Outdoor plants dying

My CBD Kush plants are wilting and dying within days. Grown in organic soil with amendments, planted in April, soil PH is 6.5-7, using river water, temp is 100+ days 80s at night. Other plants nearby are ok (for now). !
First two pics show current state. Last pic before wilting… looked great! Oops…can only upload one pic

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Got to be the heat, but it could be the water. River/creek’s change their parameters during different times of year or weather. Or it could he runoff from somewhere up stream.

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I’m frankly stumped… Out of 10 plants I have two distinct phenotypes. It seems the BIG BUSHY phenotypes don’t do well. The short stocky plants are fine. Same heat same water, same same.

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Well then that’s rules out most the external sources. Are they situated where they recieve different amount of shade, or maybe shade/ sun at different times? That’s the only other thing externally I can think of. If not that then it has to be the phenos.

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Man it’s got to be the sun and the specific plants being unable to handle the heat. Try a shade cloth over them during the hottest parts of the day. And extra water in the evenings to help recoup

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Hi Eric. I have an idea that might help. First, make sure you water every day. Next, go to the Dollar Store in your area and buy two(2) empty spray bottles-the one with the adjuster nozzle. My idea ©My Idea ‘Spray Away/Nozzle Spritzer w/Oil/Soap/Plant Sprayer/Mixer’-future design…for now the $-store one will do. Next, fill it with straight water. I sell a natural soap product…if I could get a private message to you with my contact info, I’d be happy to sell you some. Then I have a recipe for one bottle: 1/16 teaspoon to a full filled bottle of water. There’s oils I use that I could sell to you also…but one is Lemon Oil, Orange Oil, Tea Tree Oil and a few others in alternate weeks. I keep the leaves very clean, as well as their branches.

I see a possible moisture issue; it needs more, plus possible nutrient issue. I’ve had really great luck with my idea I’m sharing with you; mine are in the sun up to 112-degrees ~ high winds ~ freezing winters. This technique works best during summer months, but with proper ventilation, the winter months ~minimally this technique will work…the difference may be using/adding/changing different oils, it’s easy to give a bit of extra love you never knew your plant(s) needed. Many strains can take the 100’s in heat…they just need more water at different times of day. I usually water from 8:00pm and by 2:00am.

There’s not one spider web on my plants & they’re all shiny & green. At night-maybe at dusk until dawn, begin this process. Remember one thing that you don’t want to leave any spray on the plant; it’s just a conditioner for bugs & stuff. Okay now you have one spray bottle for Water and one spray bottle with Oil/Soap Solution. Spritz the plant only with Water first-misting all the leaves; drenching everything even the trunk, then adjust & change the flow of the water. Adjust it to the “Long Stream” flow then at the top of the plant spray the trunk all the way around & getting each branch the same way…keep doing that a few seconds until all the plant has been drenched with water. Change the flow to “Mist” then mist the plant again. Give it a break for about 10 minutes. Next get the Oil/Soap spray bottle that’s all mixed, shaken, ready to go, & adjust flow to the “Long Stream” flow. Exactly what you did with the water bottle you’ll also do with the Oil/Soap mixture. Get the flow to “Stream”, then begin at the top of the plant & do the branches; again starting at the tip of the branch & to the trunk. Change the flow to “Mist”, and mist the plant entirely; leaves will be drenched also. Wait about 3-5 minutes.

Then get the Water Bottle filled with Water again. You need to get all the Oil/Soap mixture off the plant…it’s not going to hurt it if some is left on, you just need to do the best job you can to drench with water. Even get under the leaves with the mist & spray again the trunk, branches, then repeat this procedure 2-times a week for one month. then spray only water the rest of the plant’s life unless you see pests. By watering each day (note: -when it’s hot out water everyday…-it’s when you wrote this post…winter will/may be different, f.y.i.) :wink: :smiley:, and doing this misting, it should help out. Only put 1-2-drops of each oil in the Oil/Soap bottle ~ depending on which oil it is. You also must keep up the trimming of the plant. It takes a bit of practice, just don’t cut off all the leaves; only the ones as I do when a leaf touches another leaf, I cut the one that’s larger usually.

You’ll want to leave lots of leaves on though because if you trim too much, your plant could go into shock. In addition, purchase a basic fertilizer & get a Ph tester to ensure you are between “6.0 & 6.5” for most cannabis plants. I fertilize especially when I see any yellow leaves. That means the plant will need Nitrogen.

If you want my info on how I fertilize, please just let me know. Here’s a few photos of what the plants look like with no dust, spider webs, or pests on them. I spray the “Water Only” technique every day. I only add the oil & soap technique in if I see pests, but it’s kept it very clear & provides a more natural experience instead of using lots of pesticides. Peace & happy growing! :slight_smile:

Maple Leaf 2020-05-16

How often do you water the plant? What is the PH of the water before you water? That kind of heat is hard on them. Plant that size uses a lot of water.

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Raymundo, how tall is your plant? Also, the way I figure my watering out is if the plant is in the ground, it may need more water. When you check~ each day, if there’s a dry crust on the top of the dirt, that indicated you might want to throw on at least 16~ ounces, but it might need much more, but start with that per 1.5-feet of plant ~but remember this is just a possibility.

If you are just using dirt that came with your house, then doing a few things to increase moisture in your dirt by adding the water & doing the spritzing as I mentioned above may help. That’s in this heat. Next, if you have a beach umbrella & beach ball, there might be a way for you to get partial shade at least for one of them. Just secure an umbrella where it’s not going to hurt the roots when you shove it in the ground. Even getting a table-you know the one like in the backyard that takes an umbrella in the center…if plants are shorter than the table, then you may have a partial shelter for them as well. Tip the umbrella, move the table & umbrella around, just don’t forget to put sand, water, or rocks in the plastic umbrella anchor if you have one. Then blow up the beach ball & play some fun ball…away from the plants. :slight_smile:

Sorry I could not reply last night @Butterflymusic. Being new to this community I only have so many posts and replies. When you ask how tall my plant is, I am not sure which you are referring to. I have several grows going right now. The Hawaiian Haze is around 3.5 foot average.

The sagging leaves can be from numerous things including under-watering and over-watering. There could be nutrient deficiencies. Could be the heat. How do they look in the morning? Better or still droopy?

There are a lot of questions to be answered before you can give a good answer without being there. I would not want to tell someone something as a solution without knowing all the facts.

I am new to this community here, but I try to help people with the experiences I have had both good and bad. It is supposed to be about growing weed, growing as a grower and as a person.

Have fun and grow on


Hi Raymundo…

I just wanted to stop by and let you know the information I gave you about the spraying & watering is specific to the plant you’re having problems with. The title of your post is " Outdoor plants dying ". It’s good information for adding additional moisture along with water. That way the branches, leaves & buds stay clear of lots of bugs, plus the plants seem to be very happy. I wouldn’t do the spraying like that daily during the winter months; it may create issues of too much dampness/wetness around the leaves. Have a wonderful day!

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Thanks @Butterflymusic I appreciate that. Just it wasn’t my post. @Etelford is the person that started the thread for their plant. I was just trying to help them. Happy growing


Thanks to all. The plants died and I suspect it was a soil pathogen. Other plants in the same area and soil seem ok for now, but I watch them closely as they are in florescence. I may plant in air pots in the future with a supersoil blend.


Super soil or no till soils are great. I think you will be happy when you use one.


I have been mixing my own soils for quite a while with pretty good results. But, my plants get huge when I plant direct in my soil. 2 ft vs 6 ft. I know bigger pots would help but 5-7 gal air pots are perfect size to move around…
Also I plan on my first indoor grow. Not too sure how it’s going to work out but seems pretty straight forward? Any tips? Thanks


Sounds like you have a big head start on most people trying indoors the first time

I found depending on when you are growing and where you live, humidity can be a factor for some.

What kind of lighting are you using? using a tent, closet or grow room?


What he said^. Humidity is the hardest factor for me. Temp I have no problems controlling. Humidity I chase, being in Missouri and growing in the basement does not help.


Need get more fresh air and pull old out

I have a mix of 4ft florescent and LED lights in a dedicated room. I can use AC and fans and also vent to outside of needed.

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Sounds like you have a good set up then. Just watch the humidity and temps. I think you will be fine growing indoors. The plants will tell you what they need.

One of the biggest mistakes I have seen newer growers have, especially indoors, is watering. They use it differently then outdoors. Also depending on the humidity in your grow area can also make a big difference and many miss that.

I think you will do great indoors.

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I’m hoping if I use 3 to 5 gallon airports, I can simple lift to check water needed. I also may need to learn more about LST to get more bud per square foot. Everything is online it seems, so should not be too difficult.

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