This one has me puzzled. It seemed it was in pre flower for 6 weeks but here she is after 16 weeks. This is week 4 of flower.
Running hydro. 19/5 800-1000 ppfd. Water 65 degrees. Lights on 80-84 degrees. 70 lights out. Humidity around 60%. Feeding it TPS ONE at 50% 1.5 EC, adding microbial mass pro every two weeks, and foliage feed silica and cal/mag every two weeks as well. I’m circulating 60 gallons, and do a 75% water replacement ever 4 weeks and add some hydrogen peroxide between changes.
Resin is super thick. You touch, and you’ll need to scrub your hands.
I was going to take cuttings but didn’t. I planted 3 beans and 2 of them are already dried and curing. Big plant trimmed and dried was 10 ounces. This plant is an easy 5X the size.
Not sure what I did right or wrong to create this monster but it’s filling up the tent shading the new ones…lol
I think I’m going to let go for another couple weeks and then cold water wash her…never thought I’d see an auto so big!
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