Normal "damaged" Clone

This clone has sacrificed to build roots…

I went excessively longer on my root grow timing.
They look extra bad this time

pH balanced water only in soil.

Most see this and loose their mind.
Add food, kill it and give up growing.

Team Fat Ones

Looks like it needs a bigger pot and some food.

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Clones are fine

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New pots

New pots…

Picture show :grin:

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TeamFatOnes Out


I have 3 AC Infinity 69 pro controllers.

All run Bluetooth on an old phone…

Here’s my LED numbers

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A video


Tips are curled.

This is because it’s too dry.

She’s hiding her tips from the light so she doesn’t dry out.

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The girls today

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Normal clones got topped twice each and lost a pair of cover leaves each

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And I am hardening my mother clone at current

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Going in dirt


Misfired two pictures.

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This is the one that mattered

TFO :slight_smile:

Potted her

Hardened with lid of cloning chamber on/off 5 minutes for an hour

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This water is too “hot” for a new clone.

She gets hand watered for a week
