New Tent: Grow Light Questions!

Honestly, I don’t know too much about them . . . that model been out 2-3 years or so that I know about. I did watch several reviews a couple years ago when I was researching lighting and can’t recall any negatives right off hand.

I’d go with HLG . . . they seem to be constantly updating and upgrading their lamps while a lot of companies just follow suit a year or so later.

Ok HLG scorpion Diablo it is.

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Can’t go wrong with HLG lamps . . . they’ve made some of the best LED lamps since it was just Stephen Johnson hanging out on rollitup and building Johnson Grow Lights in his garage around 2015, when he partnered up and formed HLG. He worked with Samsung developing top end diodes and created the first quantum boards . . . he says his claim to fame is that he is the most copied grow light manufacturer on Alibaba.


Pretty much… but definitely gorilla with height extension. I’d go two 4” fans, (or use 6” as the exhaust ) two carbon filters and set up filtered intake and exhaust. As for the light, you really can’t go wrong with either….but the best one that fits your budget. also on the 4x4, if u go gorilla, get the high cfm kit as it will sturdy the sides and make trellis nets a breeze.

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