New grower with a question

Tips of my leaves are turning white. Not sure why but its on all my plants

Not sure if you can see it in this pic, just really need some tips if anyone has any

Maybe too much nutrient

Agree with Ron, a touch too much food and they get what’s called “painted nails”. It looks ok now, but if it progresses, just ease off on the food a bit. Easiest way is if you add X nutes to 4 gallons water, add same amount of nutes to 4.5 gallons of water.

Do you give them any CalMag or Epsom salts?

Thanks and no I haven’t tried Calmag or Epsom salts. Do I need to?

The only thing I’m using is flora bloom.

Is there much calcium in that? They need more when in flower. If you start getting more yellowing with spots and leaves get crispy, I’d add. I do anyways when mine hit about week 4 as a preventative. Before I used to get crispy ugly leaves but started adding more CalMag, and Epsom salts on water days and now my leaves are relatively healthy at harvest. And healthy leaves are healthy energy factories!

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Ok cool I will try that. Thanks alot

Relax my friend

White tips?

She’s growing fast. Congratulations.

She only creates chlorophyll so fast you see…

She’s making it as fast as she can, but the “green” takes her a second…

White tips???

Good for you

No try here is needed, she’s actually doing fine

Thanks, just my first time ever and I’m worried. I think they look awesome just was shocked when I seen that

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Spud, what are the Epsom salts for? Never heard of using it before. Will it dry out a soiled plant being as how nutes are also a “salt”? Ignorant noobie, so TIA for humoring me!

A great source of magnesium. Don’t need much, it’s cheap at a pharmacy. Don’t get the scented stuff. I add a pinch to a couple gallons once in a while. Unless your nutes have it, but since I’ve use it I get less dying leaves near the end.

Hey bmorr78! White tips on your leaves could be from overfeeding or light stress. Try adjusting the light distance or lowering intensity, and double-check your nutrient levels. If it keeps happening, flushing with water might help. Keep an eye on them, and they should recover!


Get measuring sticks for all INPUTS.

Water pH,light intensity, ppm in water, temperature lazer gun

Senescent plant

Nitrogen is your green,

And apparently you feed high nitrogen until the end.

Harsh burn on the utensil you happen to use