Need help please! Brown spots and loss of color

Thanks @Jared I appreciate the help


Well the book i went and got is marijuana garden saver. The problem closest resembling yours looks to be phosphorus related. What was the p level in the fertilizer you used? Your plants being in the early stage of bloom could be starving for p. Also 15 deg temperature swings might be enough to stress and lock out p especially in an autoflower. I would definitely turn the night temps up a few degrees and day ones down a couple until someone with more experience can give you more solid advice. We have several really knowledgeable helpful people on here they just must be bust this evening. I am sure you will get more definitive feedback soon.


Correction (busy this evening).

It will not hurt your plant, I’d wait maybe an extra day, let it get thirsty, that let’s them roots stretch too. Check to see if the 3 numbers on the front of the nutrients bottles. should look like 3-5-9 for example . Jared is on the right track i think

2 Likes just some extra tips

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The twisting of the new flower leaves at the tops makes me think nutrient burn instead of nutrient lock (ph). Watch for the tips to curl dry on those after she recovers. If it happen those dry tips always (always) get botrytis closer to finish. I take my trim scissors and cut each dry curl off at the margin of the leaf. If sun leafs tip burn just defoliate them. If was a plant outdoor I didn’t love yet (pheno hunt for example) I would do major surgery and see what happens to any curled (and dried after recovery) areas.

To flush out nutrients I like to sink the pot into a bigger (than pot) bucket with ph correct water. Slowly fill the ph’d water to about an inch from the soil line. Give it 45 min. Pour off let it drip for 15 min. Then rinse it again with ph correct water for 45 min; drip dry 15 min. Repeat 3-4 times in 3-6 hours. Then let it dry.
Put a small fan right across the soil (empty pot flipped over works great as a stand).

My gut said maybe bugs too? On the lower sun leaves? No clear evidence in the pic but my gut screamed bugs. I would use magnification (as suggested all ready) and look close under the leaves for any movement or raised dots that aren’t trichomes and rub off. Especially around the petioles, make sure there are no mite webs. They are sneaky lil bastards that go from no sign to dying in just 1-2 days.

I am not a pathology botanist but have grown a lot of weed indoor and out. That’s what I would do.


If you are using Nature Living Soil, this does NOT require nutrients, just PH’d water.


Thanks I pulled a leaf and looked at it under my scope and there is nothing moving and it looks kind of burnt

@Skysthelimit sorry I missed this last night. So here’s the thing, you don’t want to flush a living soil. By the look of the browning it looks like late stage calcium deficiency right before necrosis sets in and early stage phosphorus deficiency.

If using living soil I’d top feed with some of your amendment mix and then water it in with some cal mag solution.

Make sure temp is at minimum 65 up to about 80. Try to keep your RH between 30 and 40%. She’s looking a little dry too which is usually a sign of low RH.

Make sure after amending to watch only the new growth for change. The old growth will keep the spots, but if the new growth is coming in healthy you amended and corrected properly.


@Skysthelimit if you’re using soil as just a substrate and feeding with liquid nutes you can flush. You do need to PH feedings though. If it is nutrient lock from low ph issues causing PK surplus (which is pretty common for new growers) the easiest and best way to bring ph back up into healthy ranges and give a dose of calcium too is to top dress and treat with dolomite lime.


Thank you for all the help @MDBuds I read your post and ran down and did what you suggested I’ll keep you posted :v:t3:


@MDBuds is pretty awesome with the fixes. @Skysthelimit, I hope you post updated pictures once they are fixed up.


I certainly will and I definitely agree with you @kmac03 and every one here is very helpful and easy to get along with.


Oh crap. @Skysthelimit I super apologize, I skipped right over the living soil part. I have flushed my living soil before to get rid of a nitrogen toxicity and soil was to hot simply because I made the noob mistake of transplanting in the soil to soon

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No problem at all @LuckilyCharmed I think I have it back under control fingers crossed I’ll post some new pics if everything works out if not I’ll screenshot someone else’s monster blue and post that instead :joy: just kidding. Thanks again for all your help

@LuckilyCharmed I had read something online that you can run organic nutes on top of hot soil if done in half strength so I figured I would try that, well the saying don’t believe everything you read online comes to mind because that happened almost overnight and she lost all her color and the brown spots started showing up! Serves me right for wanting too much too fast. Slow and steady wins the race right!

Hahaha! Wuuuttt?? Say it isn’t so? People actually use other people’s pictures as theirs? My, my, what a world. :rofl:

soooo lol That’s the exact same thing I did too lmfao.
Guess what though, it was a mistake, and you learned something from it. Don’t let it bother ya. Someone wise once told me… “These plants are resilient.” and they will forgive you if ya love them a little bit. Just never be afraid to ask questions if you’re unsure before you do something. We’re all learning something from one another :slight_smile:

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Great post! I lost track of that one, too.