My Green roots r killing me

This is my second time and I have green Roots again. Plants looked amazing , now after rinsing and putting in new water one plant is come back pretty good the rest ore just droopy. How can I stop the green, no more drooping.


@Rusty Are you growing hyrdo? That green is usually algae or slime mold.

Use apple cider vinegar to PH your reservoir and it will kill the algae too and boost your micros.

Another thing that helps is dropping a few pre 1982 pennies in your reservoir or a small piece of copper pipe. Copper is a fungicide and algaecide so it helps keep your tanks clean.


It could also mean you have your reservoir in a place where it is getting too much light and do not let it stand with old nutrients in it. It has to wash out occasionally. Also make sure you have a good circulator pump to move that water around, it cannot stand and an air-stone is not enough for size of tank. When I grew hydro like this, I covered inside of tank with green (I taped plastic film) to reduce mold/ algae growth. Follow MDBuds points and get copper and applecider vinegar (I personally prefer Brag’s mother organic)


The white lid is likely the cause. You need blackout conditions for a good healthy res.
Is the rest of the res clear?
I can’t see it in the pic.

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The whole thing is translucent, fixing to take care of it… thanks

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If you have problems later on with high res temps or goopies on your roots look into hydrogard or Z9/Z7. This will help keep your res and equipment clean , your pH stable and help protect from heat stress if you should have high temps.

Keep it in mind that even clear tubing can let enough light in to cause problems.


I called myself doing all of that, except what are you referring to as nukes?? Sry, I’m just a green redneck

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nutes - nutrients, not nukes - atomic bombs


What can I say, duhh

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Marijuana use causes short term memory loss…what? :stuck_out_tongue:


I second what mike said about light passing thru the sump lid. I have done DW culture a few times for fun and found white lids were too translucent. Made my roots really green w slime algae. I painted the lids black with acrylic paint and it helped a lot.

Another time I did an outdoor DW culture (don’t ask me why) with a strawberry and a basil plant (the edible kind). No matter what I did the full sun made slimy green root balls. What really helped was adding hydrogen peroxide to the roots the day before sump solution swap. And changing the sump twice a week instead of once. I would free pour the H2O2(3) until the bubbles were noticeably finer. When you hit the sweet spot of hydrogen peroxide the bubbles just shrink into micro bubbles. No matter how fine the air stones. Very safe to use on cannabis too. This tip came from a commercial DW culture grower I know who grows for a state retail op. He swears by this method.


I wish I still had some pics. Scrolled and scrolled but DWC pics were on my old phone. I had a pic of the painted lid and a non painted one held up blocking the sun. It was a dramatic difference of light passing thru.


If that is white plastic those growing pods are sitting in that’s your whole problem. You can’t let light into the root area it creates the mold. You need to cover that top with foil. You have to keep the inside of your tank dark. If the bottom of the container is white also. You can spray paint them black.