MWCultivation intro grow

Hi all! I’m Jake and I am Morning Wood Cultivation. I am primarily an indoor home grower that dabbles in outdoor in the summer. I’m in Upstate New York. I am a 13 year US Army vet and I’ve been growing cannabis since May 2020. I started my growing journey on another forum and have learned a lot in the last few years. Growing things and general gardening has been a passion of mine since I was little and I currently have the beginnings of a small orchard and medicinal garden in my yard as well as 2 small raised beds and a 10x20 greenhouse with a horseshoe style raised bed inside. I hope to continue my learning journey and help others along the way.

I’ve grown cannabis in bagged soil, living soil and currently am growing in coco coir using Jacks 321 at a 4/2 ratio with no epsom, recharge weekly, silica after week 3 of veg and bloom/pk boosters in flower.

My current indoor run is 2 Ethos Grape Diamond R2 and 2 Barney’s Farm Biscotti Mintz. All 4 plants are from seed this run.

I grow inside a 3x4 AC Infinety 2in1 tent under
an HLG 600R-Spec. ACI 6” exhaust fan and filter, 6” oscillating fan, with the cloudforge humidifier currently controlled by the controller 69pro.

I also am entering into the world of New York’s commercial cannabis operations. Starting this Wednesday 2/14 I will be running clones for sale for a local hydro shop with. micro grow license here in NY.

I dropped this round of seeds on 1/6 into 2 shot glasses of 15ml dechlorinated tap water and 3ml of 3% H2O2. 48hrs later all 4 seeds had sprouted tails and were transplanted into 3” pots of Canna Coco that was washed, buffered and hydrated at 5.8 pH with full strength Jacks at a 4/2 ratio and added mykos.
On 1/11 all 4 had broken ground then on 1/29 the plants were transplanted into 1 gallon plastic pots then topped at the 5th node and skirts trimmed for airflow and ease of feeding on 2/6. 2/10 I removed the first set of branches and dropped them into my 25 space clone king aero cloner. That about catches everyone up to where I am currently at. Unfortunately this forum isn’t letting me post pictures of my grow right now. The system says my files are to large but that’s ok. I’ll figure it out and get you all some pictures asap.


I use an android app called resizer. It reduces the size of the image so I can post here. Under 4mb. Works great. Welcome to the forum.

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Welcome to the forum after selecting the pics you can change to large from actual size & that works for me: some times they are side ways :yin_yang: