I am trying to determine when I can harvest based on the trichomes. When exactly is the best time for this? I’m not really sure what I am looking for and where the sweet spot is. Thanks!!!
It’s going to depend on your preference in the high your looking for on when to harvest for a more head high you will harvest a little earlier when the trichomes are cloudy and for more of a body high they go a little longer as the trichomes get some amber color to them, I’m not 100% sure how much amber your looking for I’m still learning that myself but that’s my understanding of what you look for, and I’ll add a pic of this very helpful little guide and I highly recommend getting a digital microscope or a jewellers loop for checking trichomes so you can really see them they are a huge help and cheap investment
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I don’t have a magnifying lens or jewelers loupe. I am having to rely on pistil color.
I think mine are very very close but don’t want to take them to soon. My iPhone not good enough I don’t think. I cannot get the pictures you guys are getting. What are you guys using?
I don’t really buy into the head vs body thing. I might be wrong as all I care about is knock out weed.
Harvest a bud or two early with clear trichomes, let the rest run to 10-20% amber trichomes. You’ll buy into it from that point forward.
Thanks Chuck. You’re probably right. I just have never been technical about the process before. I’m semi new to growing cannabis, but I know how to grow plants. I have grown outdoors but it’s been years and all the new learning has me very impressed at how detailed it is today.
I have 3 Gorilla Glue and one Deelight. The Deelight was one of two free seeds I got.
Both types look very close but I don’t have a way to check trikes. My iPhone is not equipped with magnifying capabilities. So I’m using the pistil method. I have a good bit of red pistils and some fan leaves are starting to turn yellow. The fragrance is outstanding as well. Buds feel tight as well.
So I’m keeping a close watch on them and hope to harvest at the correct time. And it looks as if I will need to be selective when harvesting. Some buds will not be ready all at the same time.
Thanks for responding to my post brother.
If you don’t have a magnifying lens or loupe wait until the pistils turn red/brown and begin to recede.
I feel you on the technical aspect of growing . . . I grew outdoors in the 70’s and 80’s, started playing with indoor/soilless/hydro in the early 90’s. I went from a sack of seeds and triple 13 fertilizer to shopped genetics, 10 part nutrient mixes, pumps, timers, etc. After 40+ years of experimenting I now run indoor soilless, HFF/DTW in coco as the best method for my indoor home grows.
Okay got it.
I am considering indoor. I almost pulled the trigger on a tent system but hesitated. I might build my own? Like we are having rainy cloudy days here for most of the week. So mother nature is not going in my favor. But I do get 9–10 hours direct sun when nature is on my side. The plants look great. Out of 4 seeds I have one Deelight looking excellent along with one Gorilla Glue doing great. 2 GG did not do well. One was a defect and one is a 1-foot tall cola it looks like. Not sure how that’s going to turn out.
Just sprouted 6 more seeds. They are in Jiffy pods. So I will have another chance before winter.
Okay brother. Thanks and take care.