Measure light spectrum LEDs micro-management?

OK, am I being too micro-management crazy? Do I need to be measuring nms or just trust the mfg? I have full spectrum LED lights (not expensive ones) – three 600w in a 7x10 room where one wall is sink (five feet) and one end wall is 3 feet of cabinet. The lights are set up as an L. I’ll have six plants under each light. I’m growing autos only.

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OMG @GrnyGrows you definitely get excited about stuff don’t you…you need a light meter that is made to measure LED light and then the number to look for is around 750PAR at your canopy level if I remember things correctly…


@retiredoldguy 200-300 seedling 300-500 veg 600-800 flower.


Yes, I’m out of control. Need to get my White Widow going so I can calm down.

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@GrnyGrows I downloaded the app Photone on my IPhone and then paid $5.99 to unlock full spectrum LED PAR…so I can recommend this free app if you are looking to set the levels @MDBuds tells us above in this thread


Heck yes. I’m all over it. Hope there is an android version. I’m no good with our iPhone.

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OK – I’m confused… too many terms. My light meter is for LED. It gives LUX reading. For instance, 9644 or 11.7 (I guess for 11,700). So do these equate to 960 and 1170 PAR? Argh. Some day I’ll know all of this.

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@GrnyGrows I think the LUX is for incandescent light not for LED but there is some math you can do to kinda convert to PAR.


yea that light meter is for light bulbs with a filament in them and not for lights with diodes in them…you can search the internet for the math that simulates a PAR measurement but it is not accurate…get the free app and pay the fee if you can so much simpler


the free app gives you LUX readings for free but charges for all the other options


Ok, I have the app and calibrated but did with the meter I have. I get a DLI reading of 3.9 for instance. Not sure what that means yet.

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Hmmm, the description says for LEDs. Crapola.

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yes your LUX meter can measure florescent but I checked your light you show at the beginning of this thread and it is a LED light


and what the person from Alpthy wrote is correct it will measure PAR if you convert the LUX reading but again it is more of an approximation…at least this is what I understand at this time


to quote an old star trek line “Damit @GrnyGrows I am just a country grower” :cowboy_hat_face:


OM gosh, me too. But I’m so intense. I’m making so many mistakes – but I want my first grow to be perfect. I’m a retiredoldgal… just wantin’ to grow and chill.


nobody has a perfect first grow…crawl–walk-run past everyone


did you put the sheet of white typing paper over your camera lens when using the app?


Oh you are the bomb. Put it on the iPhone. Upgraded and I’m reading like a dang pro. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.