@GrnyGrows Positive pressure - you are pulling air into your room, more than is escaping.
Negative pressure - you are sucking the (filtered) air out of the room, more than what can freely flow in.
With positive pressure, air from your room (or tent, in my case), can leak out unfiltered into other rooms, as there is more air in the room than it would normally hold with no ventilation. Not good if you are trying to control smell.
With negative pressure, you force the nice odiferous air out thru the filter and let air come in from outside…stinky air cannot escape as air is being drawn in, only way out is thru your filter.
With my tent on negative pressure, my 4x4 went down to about a 3’6"x3’6" tent as it sucked the sides in! Easy fix, get some 4’ bamboo and place horizontally between the corners of the tent at 1/3 and 2/3 tent height. Then it only sucked in about 2" on each side, but not where my plants are their widest (I don’t mind loosing 2’ at bucket level or near light level, but 6" right in the middle of the tent…no way!).
In a room like yours, go for smell control, negative pressure is what I’d use.
Hope this makes scents!