Is something wrong with my plant?

The new growth of my plant is turning yellow and idk why. Using fox farms ocean forest soil, and I haven’t added any extra nutrients.

I’m not experienced with ffof or soil in general. I use coco. I know its charged but maybe time to introduce some feed. Just start small. 20%. It seems just on new growth hinting its an immobile nutrient problem. You’ll have to Google that. If when you feed the tips get burnt then it’s not that. Is pH on point? Temp n humidity OK? 70s°f and 70% rh.
What light and distance. You’ll get answers on here fear not growmie :pray:

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Try this,such%20as%20calcium%20and%20iron.&ved=2ahUKEwiS2_Htle37AhUJXMAKHQ1uAr8QFnoECAsQBQ&usg=AOvVaw35G9LXFZz4hM_yKVD0T6b1

@NewGrower_22 Too wet… my friend… but thats just from a glance at the pic

Try letting them dry out more between watering before you get crazy chasing nute issues.
Got this from goggle just so peeps can’t say I made it up… . Cannabis seedlings get all their nutrients from their seed , and absorb water via their leaves as their root system develops (that’s why it’s important to keep them in a warm, humid environment).

They get moisture through the leaves more then roots. So you might be drowning them. And if you’re are like me… “what about hydroponics then?” Remember the water is aerated

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Yes you really don’t need to water more than a bottle cap full or two… I generally just mist with a spray bottle for the first week as foliar watering is better at this point to avoid any risk of rot…

The seedling is not really uptaking any nutrients from the soil unless you are forcing them in by top watering. In that case the OF may be a little hot. But by time the seedling is on 2nd set of true leaves the OF should not be too hot as long as additional ammendments have not been added.

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