Has anyone ever heard of injecting everclear into stock of a cut down plant at harvest to let it dry with the everclear in there?
Hi @growinggood!
Welcome to HGF!
I admit I stopped by because I haven’t heard of this process before, but the question was intriguing. Maybe someone else has? My thinking is you are trying to process it while it’s still in the ground? If so, why and what is the expected outcome? I would think due to the chemical process it would destroy the medicinal properties while also introducing bacteria and other pathogens. Then you have the whole introduction of alcohol to the earth.
I never heard of it and cannot fathom what good it would do. As a solvent, it would wash away the THC. If you were careful to not overdo it, after it is dry,then what. If you burn it you burn off the alcohol so what was the purpose? I know we soak stems / stalks in everclear to extract the leftover thc to make tea / tincture / edibles…but just can’t wrap my head around this.
Also, I may be coming across as condescending, I don’t mean it. I’m really interested in why you are asking.
I cannot see any good coming of this. I cant see anything but very bad stuff coming from this. Injecting alcohol would ruin the bud if it was absorbed into it. I’m pretty sure it would ruin it any way without any alcohol actually making it to the bud, the byproduct of the alcohols reaction when injected probaly would make it to the buds.
But say it did, say the alcohol made it, unchanged, to the buds and was absorbed. Now you have EXTREMELY flammable cannabis that’s gonna burn WAY to hot and your gonna inhale super hot vaporized alcohol. No thanks.
Combustion is a real thing.
I will never forget when I learned that bales of hay caught on fire by themselves.
Ya so a guy told me about this process but did not tell me how it worked out so everything you guys said is so true im thinking it would strip it and ruin it all , and blow up in your face ,thanks for the thoughts.
Thank you for killing the suspense. I concern myself about odd things sometimes, this would be one of them while I tried to picture all the possible outcomes. Ha! Have a good one!
@kmac03 oh hec no, don’t ever Bale wet hay or you’ll Pay your neighbor to feed your live stock
That was the craziest thing. Giant bales, next to a garage full of gas and farm equipment, under some trees, and then more auto equipment. I sat there for the longest time trying to figure out how the hell they caught on fire. My crew chief told me and I was like, well, that’s definitely not something me, the city dweller would realize. It’s dangerous stuff. One caught next to us, he moved us clear across the way and we remained inside. He’s a veteran who saved me more than once. I used to stress him the hell out.
The stupidest things come out of my mouth when I’m exhausted.
I thought I’d seen some stupid stuff and people growing up in the south, then I joined the military. How humans made it this far, well its miracle.
Don’t get me started.
@kmac03 i saw a Tractor Trailer with 8 round bales burn up over Damp Bales guy got a Ticket for an Overload