Humidity question

Hello everyone I’m just wondering if 30 to 40 is a reasonable rh level for flowering ? I see so many different answers that I would like some advice. Growing in a 4x2 with the heat around 77 degrees. Humidity has always been my battle since day 1 in that it naturally was 30-40 percent the whole time. I’m getting ready to turn the heat on in the house so I’m sure that will also have a impact on my temp and humidity. Any advice for that as well.

Hello… I like to use these charts for temp and humidity. I try to keep it in the green area so the plants can do there thing.

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Depending on the placement of the tent in your house, the temp will most likely change in the tent when turning on the house furnace.
I place my tent in the coldest part of my house. That room gets in the low 50’s and rises during the day. I am able to keep my grow tent around 75 with the lights on. I also use a small heater placed outside my tent pointing at a side intake. After lights out I place the heater a bit closer.
What are your temps when lights are off?
Are you using a space heater?
What about a humidifier?
I would say that your current humidity level is low.

I just ordered a humidifier with a dial to add to the tent, eventually I’m going to order a hummingbird controller and add that to the tent aswell. Should I bring it up to 50?

50-55 sounds good for humidity. When the humidity goes up it tends to lower temp slightly.
I recently picked up a nice humidifier from ac infinity. It’s been working great at keeping humidity levels.

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The humidity is a little low. You don’t want it soggy, but not too dry either. My last two plants were in humidity in the forties, but with lights, still managed to dry/burn leaf tips. Used a spare pot saucer and folded paper towel medium to create a hillbilly humidifier. Watered it every night, and kept my humidity forty five to fifty percent with temp as close to seventy as I could muster. When I allow the room to drop below 70, an oil radiator type heater on low, the thermostat turned down to pee warm, parked next to the tent air intake gives the air passing through the radiator to the tent a bit of a boost. Otherwise, the plant closest to the air inlet, not benefitting from the warm lights since the cool air is fresh in the window, runted out, lost all its fan leaves at nine weeks and yellowed out it’s top. The plant opposite it, with the light warming it’s intake air, didn’t get stunted, and once i intervened with the oil radiator, it went happily to twelve weeks and a nice crunchy crust on the buds. A few degrees or percent can double yields and add potency.

With the temps around 77 you need to get your rh up to 55-65%. Download yourself a VPD chart and that will help you dial in your environment.