How to Grow Cannabis Outdoors

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It does not matter if growing indoors or outdoors. Before even thinking of germinating the seeds, preparing the growing space and all the items and materials needed needs to be undertaken. A fundamental understanding of the life cycle of cannabis plants helps in planning and scheduling, leading to healthy growth. It also entails familiarity with…

Has anyone tried cow pots with autos and then transferring them to bigger containers , or transferring to outdoor soil.

I have used them…as well as peat. coco, paper and even hemp…I transfer auto from starter pots to final containers. I even transplant…transplanting auto’s can extend the growing time. @Kronic has a YT post where they went over 120 days, maybe even 200+ on an auto…
I start auto’s now in 36m peat pods, move to 3" bio-degradable (peat, coco, paper, hemp, cow dung) containers and then transfer to 1/2/and 3 gal cloth bags. Depending on growth, I transplant 1 +2 gal to 3 + 5 gal cloth bags. I let the plants determine who gets “transplanted”