How much light for bud development

What I’ve learned is it’s best to put the lights full intensity and keep them up a little higher than recommended until the plants get used to it and grow into the lights and if you need to lower them then you can. Just pay attention to your plants, they will tell you what they need or don’t need. As long as the leaves are praying(reaching upward toward the light, I’ll post a pic) then they are LOVING what you’re doing.:+1:


Do you use Mammoth P? If not, You Need To Check It Out!!! They’re beneficial microbes that make the phosphorous more available for your plant to uptake.:+1::100::fire::fire::fire:

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Awesome! Post some pics and keep us updated along the way, I love seeing other peoples grows :heart_eyes::fire::fire::fire:

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@dmtscravey yes but instead of using the full feeding of tiger bloom use 1/4 or 1/2 and see how the plants do.

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@dmtscravey pinene brother. Pinene. It helps protect the memory and counteracts the short term memory loss of thc. :grin:


Bit what if we WANT TO FORGET? I already got too much on my mind. The Mind is a terrible thing. :crazy_face:


Well, if it helps, I DID forget.

What are y’all talking about?


Something about the memory loss that comes from smoking canabis, the memory loss that comes from smoking canabis, oh wait - something about memory loss and shorts? :crazy_face:


@Dantell this is a setup with a remote temperature controler.

I have mine set up tp pull in fresh air from outside when temps are over 70 deg inside. But you can set one up to only kick on if your heat gets over 78 or so that way that second light dosent burn you out. A second light more than doubles your heat issues becuse the first light already has temp up with presant ventilation accounted for.

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i Love to watch her Shake that Thing :+1: GIF_20210210_121405