How do you indulge?


Time for some guitar playing with the aid of some Columbian Gold


@Khatru i want to show you a piece i did that leans south of the border way back in my day. weed camp stories:

i found this story interesting and the Campesinos had many tales. :laughing: we would get wasted on cervaza, weed and peyote and listen sometimes until breakfast. Art was the only way i could describe those experiences without people thinking i was a CooCoo Clock. i’m purdy dang toasted right now is why i thought of my Art


Yummy Yummy :v:

that Moon Rock is Rock Hard


Apparently, I was so toasted that I didn’t hit ‘reply’ again. Haha! Thankfully, the system keeps it for me.

Love the art. I’m getting back into art, myself. It’s been a very long time.


Please forgive my ignorance, you just pop that in a pipe and smoke? I’m more fascinated by the creation of it than anything else.


3 gram blunt. All GG4 in an Optimo Sweet wrapper. Yeah it’s that bad ass.

Oh by the way I added half fresh with half blunt/roaches to this one. Gonna be fabulous.


@kmac03 Moon Rocks are Sugar Wax lightly melted at low temp slowly and added to a Bud Nugget by dipping the bud into the Sugar Wax then tossing it into a jar of Kief so they don’t stick together in storage. After resting, smoke them anyway you want. i smoke Moon Rocks of the Highest THC kind. it’s all my grow but a couple of ounces i keep . Two Hits is all it takes to settle down anything on earth that walks, rides or Flys.


Sounds like fun. What’s sugar wax and how is that created? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@kmac03 several ways, choose what applies to your interest or taste :v: :v: takes very little time and very little High Quality Bud if you want the best :laughing: Love That Stuff. Yields are obviously a little bit better if you are throwing in those bags, but I’ll sacrifice that yield for the lighter color.” :sunglasses: here’s our first wash HGCC GG#4 Fem.

2nd collection you’ll always have a bit more plant matter in the second. Whichever suites your need. 2nd is still a Time Bomb with one to many hits. You’ll need a Long Break :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: slightly heat it up and dip a bud in it.
take a hit and get a Wiggle


That’s so cool. I would love to do that, not for the smoking purposes but just because I’m a geek at heart. The danger is, I’d be tempted to eat one just to see what it tastes like, which would be awful of course.


@kmac03 you make them, you are going to get some in your mouth. Moon Rocks Tastes Wonderful. Whatever Weed you grew Times Ten… plus, i never get loaded until after making Moon Rock Hash because the light heat of doing so has already kicked my :grin: legs out from under me


I’ll try it one day. No space for anything like that now.


@Rye @Khatru @CoolBubs Cool we haven’t forgot you :laughing:

Bulls Eye Your Toasted :v: @dmtscravey


I’ve still reached my limit on likes. Then I forgot to finish my thought. Apparently, I’m working retrograde today. Hope all is well for all I haven’t heard from in ages.

I’m indulging with this, I’m throwing it back now. FYI: I’m fine, music just likes to hang out in my internal radio at times.

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@kmac03 me to as long as my wife is watching TV i’ll be liking here in 3 Hours Very Quietly

@DonG Did You Puff it ALL :v:

Hahahahaaha! Why you making it sound like THAT? You are silly. Thank you for your presence, My Friend.

@kmac03 because i love her and don’t want to distract her :v:earlier i ate a corn dog and she laughed. i said Whats Up and looked down because i just came out of the bathroom. she said Silly you told me you were going to lose that last five pounds. i went Duh, i forgot :laughing:

I just saw a Datsun and a Citroen in this video.