How am I doing?

Actuallly, the uptakes are not similar at all when talking living soil. When your nutrients are broken down by microbes and worms, the nutrients are just available for the plant to uptake as it likes while you keep the pot moderately moist.

Unlike water soluble nutes/fertilizers that get forced into the plant roots.

That’s why completely organic grows using living soil creates a lushness from seed to harvest with a deficiency in a leaf being a rarity. Or burnt up crispy leaves all over from being cooked by fertilizer. Plus they flush themselves perfectly in the end fade.

Bad fertilizer will produce harsh smoke… darker smoke, the ash will burn dark instead of grey… give you headaches… and on and on I could go.

I know they will work and the plant will eat them…because they are hungry. But that’s like saying my body doesn’t know the difference between canned store bought veggies and the ones I eat straight from my garden.

But, it think that anyone that wants to use miracle grow or any other shit I would not even feed to a vegetable plant, let alone a the stars of the tent…. Should try it… If that’s what works for you, great. Then you’ll have something to compare to if it becomes a passion and a hobby…it is art and an expression of the grower. You do reap what you sow into it… Connoisseurs know the difference and do it cause we won’t smoke anything but the best….because we love it and need the meds.

If you’re a grower that doesn’t care as long as it burns and gets you high in the end, then miracle grow it is! Pretty obvious that’s not the reader I’m trying to benefit with info…. Because when they start growing better weed than they can buy in any dispo in town… it will become a passion and art to them.


@Firefly Looks like you are doing great so far!
You say you have a second light, 5 gal fabric pots, and soil? There’s no rules saying you can’t up-pot those Banners. I would. I love me some Banners, so I will be following along.
I just got me a tent and am still dialing it in. Gelato this grow, maybe Banners next. Good luck.

Oh yeah, transplanting at this time might trigger flowering in autos.

Also, if a plant hasn’t spread the roots well enough yet, then transplanting could do more harm than good.

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We’ll have to agree to disagree. I’ll stick with lab science you stick with bro science.

I would be interested in understanding how chem fertilizers are “forced” into the roots while organics are just there?

“Bad fertilizer will produce harsh smoke… darker smoke, the ash will burn dark instead of grey… give you headaches… and on and on I could go.” Sounds more like curing issues than nutrient problems. Bad fertilizers don’t produce bad smoke, they produce dead plants and no smoke.


Well simple… by bottom watering. You mean junk science.

It is pretty elementary really… provide fresh water at the bottom and the feeders will eat higher up as they like.

Real science is proved out through experience… by repeating conditions and variables. Bro science beats what you read on an online forum any day.

Have you tested your flower for toxins (including mold byproducts) and heavy metals? If not, then it just bro opinion.

@Firefly I’m glad to see you kept the slower plant. She looks like she is coming along nicely and should still give a decent yield after all is done. Sometimes those trouble plants grow a little slower, but turn out to be great. LOL

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So if I bottom water (which I think is a terrible idea anyway) I am forcing nutrients into the roots? Does that mean since I feed from the top mine just uptake what they need and nothing forced?

But enough is enough . . . you’re convinced organics are best and I’m convinced otherwise so best leave it there.

No… you just grow more like a noob… Ive only provided info on how I grow to help the OP out. Not sure why you jumped in to be antagonist… But carry on, chuck.

If you bottom water the main roots that shoot downward will drink the water as they need it. The feeder roots will mover more lateral and eat.

But yeah, I get why you think its such a terrible idea anyways…

This Pineapple Runtz at 75 days from seed… I wonder if I top watered instead of bottom water only, I could have kept her from growing 4ft and fading away perfectly at the end of her life. Some greasy smelly tree… Only if I would have top watered.


SODK at 42 days from seed. Some top water probably could have got her some more stretch and branching… Not.

Forgotton Cookies at about 60 days from seed… Her Greasiness could have definitely used some top water and miracle gro.

The OG Ghost Train #1 at 42 days from seed. Could she be a little prettier with some top water? Poor girl only getting her water from the bottom :frowning:

Grape Walker Kush 42 days from seed. Hmmm… Definitely need some top water

Well, I think all stages survived bottom water only… Maybe they will tank in finish phase with out top water?

Wedding Cake X at about 75 from seed… Nope still not tanked… Gonna hold off on the top water.

Maybe that is just lucky…

Toof Decay x GSC 70ish from seed. I guess not lucky… this bottom feeder says just say no to top water.

So… Your point? Why is it such a bad idea?


I don’t know . . . maybe you’d have gotten some of those buds to fatten up some . . . maybe not. And why would a 4’ plant impress anyone? That supposed to be a difficult task? . . . maybe for bottom feeders used to small plants.

Seriously, our plants looks nice but nothing really special or impressive if I am honest about it. No point in either of us being a smart ass about a difference of opinion, it isn’t a pissing contest. You can have it from here

Yeah, im sure you grow the best chuck… proven by your pics. Post all your giant AUTO flowers powered by miracle gro bro.

It’s not about the size but maximizing the size of that strain. Yes, 3-4ft is gigantic for some strains. A say… Mango Smile might go 5-6ft… Or the particular wedding cake x I grow would be huge at 30". And the bottom line is the foliage will tell the story through all stages. My plants don’t get deficient… Not bragging, its just the fruit of earth boxes and good amendments.

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Personally, I would run both. Hang a little higher around 2ft and would get better spectrum throughout the 4x4. I would add it now as they hit the stretch and probably hang them more like 30". They will eat it up by time you hit stacking and three plants should fill the whole space.

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Hey I’m just glad to see Bros up on the board.
For awhile, I thought someone might have yelled “raid!” or something.


Not sure what’s going on with my little runt plant. It has been a little “off” since the day it first sprouted. All 3 plants have same maint schedule but as soon as the runt hit preflower it just stopped growing. It’s been like this for a week now… while the other 2 plants are moving along just fine. cant figure this one out… Bad seed?

The Only Bad Seed i have ever experienced was 1 that doesn’t germinate! :yin_yang: look else where the seed isn’t the problem

Sometimes seeds, even from the same bud, can offer a slightly different phenotype. That doesn’t mean that it is bad, just different.

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Hmmm… At one point I had slightly overwatered her but I quickly corrected that problem. Problem is I honestly was afraid to overwater again so I kind of stayed light on the water.

I just watered her again till runoff (no nutes) - runoff was almost instant so Im thinking she was pretty dry. Runoff ph is at 6.52. Hoping this might kick start her again. Will post future pic if improvement :slightly_smiling_face:

You kept watering her until the pot got heavy, right? Water slowly so that it gets absorbed by the soil. Runoff water is the excess water that the soil cannot hold, not just water that runs down and out a crack in the soil. Need to make sure all your medium is wet with no dry pockets, some can even become hydrophobic if they get too dry and you have a helluva job getting it rehydrated!


Dropped 32 oz of water but only got about 2 oz of immediate run off first time so yes I gave it another 32 oz and got about 6 oz of much slower runoff this time and she actually seems to have gotten a little bigger over night. As she still appears to be vegging I gave her a bit of 3-2-1 with a dash of Cal-mag as well. She’s still a few weeks behind the other two though so guess I’ll keep watching and hope it gets to preflower soon. Again, this one plant has been strange day one. Sprout was small to start with and leaves have always had a verigated look to them since seedling.

Next grow using larger 5 gallon cloth bags with FFOF / Perlite / Coco mix and FF trio system for nutrients.

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@Firefly sounds like a great plan.
It is good to have a plan. One thing I noticed, just like in war, the first casualty is the battle plan. LOL