Actuallly, the uptakes are not similar at all when talking living soil. When your nutrients are broken down by microbes and worms, the nutrients are just available for the plant to uptake as it likes while you keep the pot moderately moist.
Unlike water soluble nutes/fertilizers that get forced into the plant roots.
That’s why completely organic grows using living soil creates a lushness from seed to harvest with a deficiency in a leaf being a rarity. Or burnt up crispy leaves all over from being cooked by fertilizer. Plus they flush themselves perfectly in the end fade.
Bad fertilizer will produce harsh smoke… darker smoke, the ash will burn dark instead of grey… give you headaches… and on and on I could go.
I know they will work and the plant will eat them…because they are hungry. But that’s like saying my body doesn’t know the difference between canned store bought veggies and the ones I eat straight from my garden.
But, it think that anyone that wants to use miracle grow or any other shit I would not even feed to a vegetable plant, let alone a the stars of the tent…. Should try it… If that’s what works for you, great. Then you’ll have something to compare to if it becomes a passion and a hobby…it is art and an expression of the grower. You do reap what you sow into it… Connoisseurs know the difference and do it cause we won’t smoke anything but the best….because we love it and need the meds.
If you’re a grower that doesn’t care as long as it burns and gets you high in the end, then miracle grow it is! Pretty obvious that’s not the reader I’m trying to benefit with info…. Because when they start growing better weed than they can buy in any dispo in town… it will become a passion and art to them.