So, I found several of these this morning on my plant. Is there anything I can apply to get rid of them? Are they harmful? Should i harvest now? I really would like to get to Columbus Day to harvest. I did move my plant to my patio, where it is clear and open. I had it under a giant oak tree. I’m guessing they came falling down from that. Any help would be much appreciated.
Oh no cut worms or sac worms arnt good at all u can prob try pick all them off by hand keep an eye on her.
Since they look to be a few weeks before harvesting, you could treat with Monterey Bt.
Clear out the bud rot as it appears.
Nice looking plants, though!
Thanks for the advice! I checked plant again this afternoon and pulled one more off. I did spray this afternoon so hopefully that should help do the trick.
Sprays are OK I guess I just won’t use them if chems I just like my bud free of chems I seen others useing it never hurt them but never no man food.luck I hope ur plant Finnishs out without any problems
I was reading just now found out that cut worms hate ceder bedding to put it around the base of ur plants idk how well this works may be worth a try
Monterey Bt is a biological insecticide…totally organic.
It can be used up to harvest on vegetables.
I don’t use it 2 weeks prior to cannabis harvest.
If you detect any cut worms or sac worms, remove them all by hand. It can be sprayed. It is a good decision.
Welcome!!! I hope you enjoy the forum. Feel free to ask any questions!
How’s your plants coming along
She’s doing good! I check thoroughly at least twice a day for those cut worms, I’ve removed a few more off the plant. But overall, the buds look good, smell great and are getting good and fat!
This may be a corn ear worm. I found one (about one inch long) on a plant tight against the surface of a “nug” after it had nearly defoliated two small younger plants. So if you see that foliage seems nibbled anywhere it’s a good idea to look closely over them as well as nearby plants.
This is the first big amount of insect damage I have seen on our plants. However, I have lost many at a time (here in central NC) a few days after transplanting to 1 and1/4 inch plastic pots due to snail eating. A fix here is to keep all very young plants up on a table with the table legs wrapped in old motor oil soaked rags.
I grew a plant couple years back when I cut her I found a huge worm dead center of the top cola I have no clue how he even got there my only thought was it must went through the stem.chewd his way up I still can’t figure out how it happend
Don’t use any chemicals. Hand pick them off the plant. They actually help the plant stress some and some stress is good. You will make Columbus day. From the pictures of the plants maybe another week past CD.
She is a beauty! With a great “Mom”!