Good morning check-in

@sc13oldie - there’s just something about purple bud!

Beautiful :+1::v:


I love living vicariously. I’m swooning over your plants. :star_struck:

Thanks for the pup love! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: That’s Ms. Henna and Loki aka Tone Loc.


@dmtscravey look


looks like this. today I get my real scope. That connects via wifi to my phone :smiling_imp::smiling_imp:


Post some macro trichomes pics when you get your scope @LuckilyCharmed !

Love them close ups …


That’s one chunky looking bud there, I like it. And that nasty weather is going to hit here today we’re getting a little bit of freezing drizzle now and it’s supposed to go off and on between winter mix and rain for the next 3 days here so I’d say you’re about to get more also.


Everytime y’all talk weather, then I know to prepare. Almost like it’s science or something. :rofl:


will do. I can’t wait honestly. I keep having a little voice in my head tell me it’s about time to cut them over and over. not having a scope like the one I am getting, made it complicated to really know when. But I’ll be confident tonight. :slight_smile:


Thats becuz you know we ain’t far away. lol prepare lol Good Ole I 24 gets fun in the winter


I would wait a LITTLE MORE. Usually when ready, more of the fans will have given up some of their color becasue the buds are taking all the nutrients. If not, they are still feeding. Some of the upper fans have started to turn and that is usually close to milky time. Milky and cookies

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That little voice is that damn ego telling you you should be doing something when you shouldn’t. I know it well. :rofl:

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HAHAHAHAHaaaaa! That little voice is never quiet…It is like living with an idiot :crazy_face:


I know it wasn’t y’all specifically, but why did y’all let me start this growing thing? I need a million things from a negative budget.

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You need to do what my wife does:
Look honey, look how much I saved, it was on sale!

What are some of the things you need?


New oscillating fans, flats for plants, sand, soil, coco, and peat, rainbutt (brain is spacing, are they called this?), Pots (3s & 5s), hori hori knife, felco shears, (pretty sure my sis in law drove away with these mistakenly and she can’t find them), bamboo stakes, the list is growing because it’s also time to start planning my garden projects for class. Also, a new place to live. Lots of irons in the fire.

I’ll get it all done, I’m just an advanced planner. Thank you for prompting me to verbalize. :pray::heart:

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I remember you saying you had to move, it made me cringe. I detest moving. I have moved so many times and I blame it on my Gypsie heritage, my maternal side were Russian Gypsy Jews.
I grow tired of stagnation but then regret having to move. I apologize too if I stepped on your reply on the forum.
Will you start now or wait till you move? Local or Long distance…Gee awfully nosy am I


Stepped on my reply? Not at all. I think you and I share some heritage.

I ask myself the same questions, now or later? The way things are going, my instinct says to just start per usual and adapt with change, which is how it normally works for me in real time. As to where, I don’t have a clue. Wherever the wind blows me away from exploding areas. :rofl:

PS: Please don’t be offended, but I’m not afraid to die. It’s the explosions and my being a natural born healer who doesn’t yet have the natural inclination to take care of myself first above all others. I hope this makes sense.


I need a covered trough, too.

I just like saying trough, but I do need one.

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The strange thing is knowing exactly what you mean


And I’m growing tired of this, multiple times a day. Sounds like some psy-ops shit and you can literally feel the tension in this city. We need an uptick in positive thoughts across the board, please.

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