Hello people! Been burning my girls for the last time. FF is good but I’m going organic. Starting with Earth Dust a 2 part dry amendment.
They say it can’t burn its a living soil that pretty well feeds it self. I’m all in just what I been looking for. Got Big foot micros for the roots. Everything came yesterday ready to mixer up. Any advice im new to organtics
Welcome to the forum @7fingers20. I’ve grown organically for years and the best advice I can give in regard to soil is make sure you ph and amend the soil before planting. You can adjust ph and amend nutrients with top dressing but it takes a few weeks to work. It’s much more efficient to adjust everything before you plant.
Another thing that I would suggest to a new organic grower is to invest in mychorrizae and humic acid. Both are very important for a great organic grow and often over looked by new growers going organic.
Happy growing.
Thanks for the info MD I hope to have better looking girls after my move. I’m excited want to get away from burnt leaves and such.
@7fingers20 even with organic living soils you can get burned leaf tips. When you build a soil designed to go from seed to harvest it often is very nitrogen rich and full of other nutrients so you can still get some burning in the seedling and early vegetative stages.
This is pretty normal. The best way to avoid it is to make a space about the size of a 12 to 16 ounce cup in the center of your pot before planting and fill it with a neutral soil or seed starting mix. I usually use a plain cheap organic potting mix or I use lightly amended coco. It keeps the seedlings nice and healthy and burn free until the roots reach the living soil and usually by then they are big enough that they won’t burn or they will burn very little.
I love it. Good info thanks. Got microbial root granules proubly need to put it in when I move from solo cup to my fabric pots. Has humic acid in an bio char. Am I on right tract?
Dynomyco premium mycorhizal inoculate
Also grabbed Big Foot Mycorrhizae
Those are decent products. You’re definitely on the right track.
Thanks my friend im feeling confident now. Is the potency there in organtic grows ? I been smoking 46 yrs and I need a little xtra kick
Ya know what I mean.
@7fingers20 in my experience properly soil grown organic is far superior due to the terpene content. It doesn’t get as frosty as hyrdo because it has to work harder for the nutrients but it makes up for it with more terpenes that work synergistically with the THC and CBD. The terps are why some buds with low THC still get you high as a kite and sometimes buds with high THC barely give you a buzz. Terpenes man. Terpenes.
Building my first batch this year of true living. Got my worms going for 6 months now. 2 Rabbits supply manure for worms. Got mulch going in 4 piles.
Going to make first pot next week. And should have a good go at it. No chemicals. Been trying at this for 30 years of gardening and finally get to try it on my little Friends
Thats what I’m shooting for. It’s gonna be great i can tell already.