Going Away! Need recommendations!

Hey all
I’m going on vacation for about 2 weeks next month and I anticipate my girls will be mid flower by then. (Poor planning on my part) Can someone recommend a watering system I could purchase to keep my girls fed while I am away?
I was thin auto pot usa, But can these be used outside? and can I use my existing Fabric 5 gallons pots on the system? any other recommendations are appreciated!

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They have self watering systems on Amazon online if there in fabric pots it usually holds moisture pretty good.

I give her a good water with additional nutes if you use them. Should come home to a harvest.


Yeah that would be great.

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Happy grow!! Best of luck :crossed_fingers: keep posted with pictures when you get back. This my first grow also they have blumat stakes on Amazon that waters it’s self comes with six stakes!