Girl scout cookies

My gsc plant has something going and I’m a little unsure, I’m thinking magnesium deficiency? I have been spaying epsom salt/ water mix, but new growth is a bit sus with tip damage. Anyone have any ideas and remedies? Thanks!

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I actually just germinated some photos GSC. First time. I germinated 3 prior and lost all 3. Giving it another try. They tapered off not even a week old. Maybe too much water. Hopefully this time will be better. What is your PH and have you tried CalMag? I’m sure you will get others responding soon. Good luck :+1:

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Fingers crossed this batch will come good for you Kurt🤞🏼Its a great strain. My ph is all good ph6 , ec 1.2 given only minimal nutes as plants only around a month old. I have another plant next to this one with all the the same setup getting exactly the same light, feed etc and its fine. Haven’t used calmag yet, though was considering. Not sure if will do damage if its not needed.
Cheers, happy growing🤙

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Awesome. Yeah I hope I can get these seedlings into veg. It’s a learning experience for sure. But the rewards are so worth the sometimes failures. :+1: Best of luck with your grow brother!


Hi Stin, and welcome! How often are you watering? It looks like it could be too much. Also, depending on how often you are spraying with epsom, you could have an over abundance of magnesium in your root system. I suggest no water for 2/3 days depending on current water cycle, and a flush. DynoMyko makes a good inoculant to add to your soil along with a touch of nitrogen to get you back on track. If you think this is too much, just start with less water and see if she rebounds. Happy growing!
Edit: a rollercoaster rh% could also be one of the causes.

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Thx Jram, i water from wet to almost dry so cant imagine its from overwatering, so it hasnt had any water for prob 3 days. I have only sprayed epsom salt mix twice at a ratio a teaspoon to 1L of water. Rh could be a prob, i live in Australia and it is coming into spring so it is a bot up and down atm. Thanks for your help…


epson salt should be 1 teaspoon to 1 gal (little over 3 liter)

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Yeah right, i had already issue before hand, ill lower the dose. You guys think it might be mag issues?

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