Employer looking for Grower

Looking for a grower. Let me know if you are interested.

where are you at i grew great weed for 10 years in Michigan i cross bread indica and hawian purple hair seance i know several secrets that i have never reviled i relly can not relocate because my sister relies on the money i pay her every month it is only 400.00 a month so if you pay realy ngood i could send her the money

i grew before it was legal so i had to make sure they got good sunlight but was not visable from the ground or the helicopters in the sky

i also used a metal halide light to grow a very special plant that was oozing drops of thc and now they say led lights are better inside with that lamp

What area…west east or mid…?

Pa looks for product I will travel.

Where you at how much you got?