Drying trimmings

New to growing, I’m currently finishing up my 3rd grow. Since I’ve started my 3rd grow I’ve recently found this forum an truly love it, yall have so much knowledge an excellent advise, so just curious the best way to dry trim an how should it be dried b4 decarbing and advise would be much appreciated!! Thanks


Hey @Hippy1978!

I honestly just trim mine right into a brown paper bag and leave it closed for a few days. I open it and shake it around gently to prevent moisture. Everyone has their own methods to their madness, though. :v:t2:

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Welcome @Hippy1978
Like @kmac03 said, I save all the trimmings in a paper bag, toss and shake once a day for 7, 10, 14 days. Material just needs to be dry not fully cured to decarb. Same for flower but you want to remove as much moisture as possible first.


Cool thank ya much, greatly appreciate your info!!!

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Appreciate it thank ya!!

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