Back off on the nutrients and LET THAT SOIL DRY OUT…
What cultivar? Last year I grew a Blue Dream Auto and they did the same thing, no worries though, she grew and harvested just fine.
Gotcha gotcha thank you
OG KUSH … awesome I just need her perky
Oh yeah I’ve only added water to soil no nutes
Fox farm soil and I try to water as needed …but I think I watered in too much
Yea it looks like over watering to me make sure you have fan running with lights on fan off lights off
I’m a firm believer in doing nothing. If you don’t water it and it gets worse, then give it a little water. On the other hand go ahead and water it and if it gets worse, turn on a fan full time for a while. Homegrown has a watering video you can watch for free. You can find it a the top of the page, click growing guides. In my experience, the leaves will not uncurl, but if you fix the problem, the new ones will be just fine. Oh, and the curled leaves will still do their duty to the plant.
Good luck and good growing!
Aha fan running woth lights out …the others I have look good …but I will definitely do fan off lights off
Awesome awesome I will take that into acct and definitely make sure dirt is dry
I use MixASoil. Removes several variables from the equation. During my last grow, I changed my watering technique. I now use “Drench to Draught”. When I water, I flood my bag until it’s soaking through the sides. I’m going into flower now and put about a quart into each 2 gallon bag. I have a catch tray and water until it starts to fill. Then I go about three days and let it completely dry out. My soul drains quickly.
Since I don’t add neuts, I don’t worry about a pre-harvest flushing. I’m pretty much flushing every time I water.
It’s normal for the leaves to droop after a good watering. They are sucking it up! But after a day, they perk up like tits on a highschool girl.
Great info … mine are thriving …leaves on top still curled but I’ll let soil dry out then try some of you guys great advice