Desperate help diagnosing issue

I’ve attempted to grow a few plants again and again, but each time i get to the seedling stage, there starts to get some yellowing in the veins of the first few leaves (image A) and some paleness across the entirety of the leaves (image C). At this point i am down to using just FoxFarm Ocean Forest soil in nursery bags running on a 18/6 light schedule

im watering once every 3 days ~1/2 cup distilled water

i’ve tried using tap water
i’ve tried different watering schedules
light for the most part stays the same at 18/6 as nothing has reached veg state in months
tried using nutrients in water (General Hydroponics FloraSeries)
using extra nutrients in soil (during separate grows) (8-16-8, 20-0-0)

no matter what i do the plants always seem to get to the same state
(imgur links bc new user)
Image A,B, C, D: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

and eventually all the seedlings end up looking like this (image D)

setup is: 4x4x6.5 tent, 4" intake fan and carbon filter, two 3" fans, one 100w full spectrum LED light, medium sized humidifier set to 60%
plants are in 1gallon nursery bags filled with only FoxFarm Ocean Forest.

i could really use the help i’m at a complete loss with this

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Ocean forest is super hot. If using just OF you don’t need any nutes for 3-4 weeks. When I used OF I mixed it 50/50 with pro mix HP. The pro mix hp is a clean slate and helps the OF to not turn into concrete. Also, you don’t need a exact schedule for watering. Every seed is different even if the same strain. I would suggest a mister instead of dumping water in until they have a good root foundation.
This is just my opinion, hopefully it helps. Happy growing! Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Even super experienced growers run into problems. :fire::seedling::fire:


Hi mate, personally I would say it’s could be down too a combination of things, firstly if you are using a 1 gallon sized pot and are feeding roughly 1/2 a cup(112ml) of water every 3 days I would suggest your not giving enough water initially. I know it’s a seedling but I would start around the 300/400ml range so further down the soil is more moisture and after allow for a goody dry backs over course of a few days 4/5 as watering every 3 days might be too frequent for the plants as they have little root systems so allowing for a dryback will help your roots set in strong to begin. Soil is best grown with a wet/dry cycle in order to allow oxygen to the root zone, just try not to over-dry or allow it to become hydrophobic.

Secondly, I think the Fox Farm soil has a decent amount of nutrients to begin so I would not advise adding in any additional nutrients right now, you want to wait & allow the plants to use up what’s already in the media they will likely last over the course of 2/3 weeks depending on how high the PPM are to begin with so stick with dechlorinated water, rain etc for now or until they show signs of hunger.

And lastly, I would check what sort of PPFD levels you are giving the plants initially a seedling I would advise around 150/200 ppfd until there first set of true leaves then increase to 300 ppfd. Further increases as plants grow bigger during later stages. If you haven’t got a light meter you could use an app called Photone which is surprisingly very accurate & will save you a few £££. Only thing to left to worry about would be environment, mostly your VPD levels you want around a 0.8KSP initially as roots are minimal & you’ll increase as plants enter further stages of growth, Too high will force the plants to transpire to hard and too low they’ll transpire too slow & have a hard time taking up nutrients. I hope some of this can help you brother🙏🏼

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