Clones too little to flower

So I was able to get 4 branches I had cut to grow roots. I put in soil today but am wanting to flip my big gurls on Weds. Will my little clones go into flower as well? or should I try to get another veg light cycle going for them. I was hoping to get them to grow a bit bigger before flower time. I don’t have another tent setup or lights left to isolate them.

If they are photo and you keep the lights on more than 14 hrs, they will veg
If they are auto, the flower based on hormones, not time
If you put in 12/12, they flower
If you are not ready to FLIP, keep your lights on, put the clones in 1 gal bags and let them get a few (3 or 4) weeks under their belt so when you flip, they will produce something. That much extra time on the older plants wont hurt if you train them to not get too close to the lights as flowering will add easily 12 inches and/or more to the height of the plants


Doug if they are photos they will need to be separated from the area you are flipping the lights. A photo will start going into flowering at any point of thier grow cycle if they do not get enough hours of light


They are photos! I think I’m gonna stick the BBxC clones outside during the day, while the big gurls get dark in the tent. (Flipping my Harlequins and BBxC tomorrow morning.)The littles need more growth for a couple of weeks. Is that gonna stress them any more than they have been already? They seem to be a little more perky than they were this AM. Watered with only fish emulsion added since I nute the soil with all the meals and worm castings.

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If you have another small light doesn’t have to be a grow light to keep them going why your other ones finish

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I have 2 veg burple lamps I can put in a 4 lamp fixture in a storage area. No fans, no exhaust but it’ll be better light spectrum. Was a hassle moving the pots outside this morning. And I think the squirrels were digging in one… I found an acorn😂 If they don’t look better in a few days I’m going to compost them I think.

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@Kojak So, what DID you do with them? I did the same thing you did first week of October. Took some cutting to thin out the bottom just before flipping. Some tips were already starting to bud, others weren’t and were given to buddy to grow. Those that had started, well, shits and giggles experiment time. Yes, they will bud!

The link brings you to my post, not @CurrDogg420 's, close enuff to see the whole story tho!

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I gave them to a buddy that has them in his 2x2 tent…back to 20/4 cycle… he says they got greener, but haven’t really done any growing. Think they got too stressed out. Now I can use my drying box for clones when it comes time again.