Cinnamon is your friend

So I just wanted to drop some of the knowledge I have gained recently and see what you other peeps think.
I recently had a fungal gnat infestation and I am pretty sure it came with something I purchased somewhere. Whether that be the soil or worm castings or I don’t know where the mfers came from but they tried to come with force. Little did they know I was armed not only with the force of the internet…but also the large bottle of cinnamon I bought from the Family Dollar across the street lol.

Do your research people, cinnamon completely wiped out my fungal gnat infestation. Very nice!

Started doing more research…cinnamon can be used not only as IPM…BUT…as a healing agent for the plant. You can use it as a rooting agent much like mycorrhizae. So I am now using cinnamon not only as a rooting powder, but also as an IPM.

So what do you think peeps? Am I crazy? Or am i on to something?

How did you apply the cinnamon? I tried it for my fungal gnat problem and it didn’t work. I ended up using mosquito bits and after applying it about 3 times and 3 weeks later its seemed to have worked.

yeah I top dressed with it and watered it in. I then top dressed again. It wiped out the initial problem but I think there were eggs it didn’t get because they came back a few days later. I reapplied the cinnamon and it took care of it for good. I also have a grow bro out here and he had an infestation as well and it worked for him. I was very liberal with the cinnamon as well. This has worked for me and I thought I would share. Happy Growing!