A few years ago I planted runtz clones outside on 420, they started to flower, reveged and did the whole deformed leaves thing.
So the past few years I waited until Cinco de mayo. This year I have multiple buddies who just planted outside on 420 after I warned them not to.
So my question is am I wrong for waiting. Is the re veg thing even that bad. Plants turned out fine in the end.
For reference my latitude is 37 degrees north, plants in question are McFritter from elevate seeds, blackberry rocks from bsb genetics and sleepy joe from amnesia seeds all feminized They been vegging 16 on 8 off for coming up on six weeks. Forecast shows sunny for the next week, lowest low is 46 highest high is 85 Fahrenheit
Yall convince me I’m being an idiot and I’ll throw my plants outside tomorrow