Blue Cookie Contest winner

Hello this year I won the homegrown cannabis Co. Seed giveaway
I had been looking online for information in home growing cannabis & saw they had a random drawing to win 10 blue cookie feminized seeds.
I filled out the entry & promptly forgot all about the drawing until I was notified that I was actually the WINNER.
I received the seeds far too late in our growing season but started 1 seed just to see if I could let it grow outdoors then bring it inside under a light to finish.
The seed was retarded it did not want to sprout then barely grew but I repotted it & it started to thrive.
So put it into a cat litter bucket to try to finish indoors.
I had to purchase a light on amazon as my screw in LED started burning out sectors & I knew it wouldn’t be enough light to support flower growth.
Heres my progress its in maybe 2 or 3 weeks into flowering.

Here is my light I m sure its not really 1200 watt but its so bright I won t look at it turned on.
KOSCHEAL LED Grow Light Full Spectrum 1200 watt

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checked the specs…only 160w.

Yes we all know its not really 1200 Watts or it would probably cook my plant
I figured it was around 120 Watts but for the price it seems to be growing my blue cookie.
I wondered if I would need additional light to help the flowers grow but if so I can always add a few smaller grow light i had for tomato & pepper seedlings.
This light runs nice & cool so far I put a smoke detector almost on top of it but so far my plants loving it.
I never grew indoors before & I know my little grow room is far from ideal but its a learning experience for me. Ive only grown 1 plant a year outside for the past 3 years & outside nature does all the work but ill use these 10 free seeds to figure out how to grow weed indoors successfully.
These forums have been very helpful & I do appreciate the people who have responded & tried to help me

My first light was an 1800w COB (chip on board) light. Actual draw is only 240w. Did me well for a couple grows in my 4x4, 4 nice plants, big tight buds, 12 oz total was typical for that light. Since upgraded to 465w light, but still use the old one in the “cellar” to start plants while others are finishing in the tent. Nice having a 4’8" crawlspace!

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