Autos and photos

I have 2 autos and 2 photos growing together in same tent, I got the net to do the SOG, there is clearly some height difference in the plants and if I elevated the autos I feel like that could help with getting them all in the net to spread them out but will a 4X4 net be big enough to do that with 4 plants? Or should I concentrate on just using the net with the photo plants?

Hi @jjress If your tent 4x4 you should be ok

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it will be a challenge to work with photo and auto at the same time in this small of a space

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I’d give em a booster seat for sure to even out the canopy, otherwise the runts will fall farther and farther behind.

Regarding the net - I feel like 4 plants could probably fill a 4x4 without needing the net to spread them out. But maybe you do. But there’s another reason to have it in place - to support the buds once they start bulking up, to keep them from flopping over.

So yes on the net, but IMO using it to spread them out might just be extra work.

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i personally would not net unless its needed for support, the net will make it difficult to inspect & care for each plant. just m.h.o…

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The first picture I just put up looks like the plant is starting to flower, that is one of my auto plants. The plant is still very small, any suggestions on how I can get it to continue to grow and perhaps produce more flowers. I germinated the seeds on July 5th and planted them on the 9th. So that makes it almost 6 weeks old plant. Right now it’s in a 1-2 gallon container. Would upsizing the pot do any good?