Autoflower northern lights 11 days old

Hi all .

I have a 90x90 grow tent
2x sf1000 full spectrum lights at the top of tent
4 inch inline fan with carbon filter
Growing in soil that has nutrients built in

First time grower let alone first time Growin full stop
Temp is 23-27 degrees and 60-80% humidity
Just curious if I’m doing well at day 11 as I am eager for flower stage already lol

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She purdy!

You are doing well. Enjoy the journey.

Brown tops mean you may have dried out, or you may have too much nitrogen. Nothing to be concerned with, the plant will soon neeeeed excess nitrogen, and you will self-correct on the water. It looks good. And don’t worry if it looks a little rough later… In the begining, growing is about learning balance. I have had some plants produce some of the best bud, while dropping brown leaves left and right… Some plants will look real rough when it is near harvest, and some will look lush dark green on the same food under the same lights. But bud is bud, and with the genetics you started with, your main thing right now is to keep it watered and watch it grow. You will learn the rest as you go.

Thanks for the reply .

Appreciated! I thought as much but when you read and read constantly about to much nutes and lockout i was a little concerned.

Or even stunting the plants growth .


There are a dozen ways to stunt growth.

Think of it this way… You need a car that will get you to and from work. All you need is a vw bug. But what you have is a formula 1 race car, but you don’t know how to work on it yet. It will be hard to start, but you will figure that out, it will be bumpy, some days it will go too fast. You will wreck a couple times, but you will ALWAYS recover, and at first you will drive that f1 like a grandma in a vw beetle, but eventually you will take control and learn to drive.

Every grow is different. Things like humidity can cause you issues. My humidity is 12%, I need 60%, the plants will suffer. But they will live, some will thrive, and eventually they will be sweating gallons a day and humidity stops being a problem. I augment with a vaporizer, but it is never enough water. But I try, with an aim on the eventual balance I know is coming. Your grow will be different, you might have too much humidity. What works for me might kill all of your plants, because we might have other environmental factors neither of us thought about when we started talking… So don’t spend so much time dioing exactly what the other guy does, instead work to solve problems.

Now we are growing race cars. If we starve them they will still grow, but they will grow slower. If we overfeed them, we could kill them. I can feed the same amount as you, and my plant dies and yours is huge. Humidity, soil/hydro temps, the species of mold that floats in our air, they can all be different.

If you want to be scientific about it, get a pulse zero to help you understand your VPD. Yours will be different than mine. The zero will look at light, humidity and temperature, and if you have money to burn you can buy their high end stuff, the zero is the entry level. Their stuff is pricy to me so the zero is all I need from them. If you are in soil, this is enough instrumentation to get you down the road. I use hydro so I have to do more… So then I go over to amazin and buy a continuous ph/tds meter, and that tells me in a glance is my water is making the plants happy, or if it is killing them. Then get the humidity/temperature in the good place for the VPD, for me that is when I am evaporating 5 gallons of water per day into the room. Think about that when you are growing in soil, your plants want around a gallon a day each in mid veg, so pay attention to that moisture level. I use rdwc, but I used and still recommend dwc for most growers. I went rdwc to gain finer control of my water temperatures. It needs to be 69f, to avoid root rot, and with dwc you have to cool the water by cooling the room, and that cost thousands, so I moved to rdwc to chll the water on it’s own, and run the room at a higher temperature… a pro suggested it to me, but two wackadoodle electric bills convinced me. Alll the pro said was “how are you chilling your water?” I told him my room was below 68, and he just remarked that it must be expensive. So move the grow to winter only, and optimize it down to the last drop. I bought an aquarium chiller, plumbed my buckets for a large waterfall flow, and now everything is flowing. I am growing 4 different autoflower strains, which I know if asking for trouble, so I expect one to be dark green and lush, two to run along with minor defects, and then one that will be completely unhappy with the nutrients. It is important to keep logs, repeat what works, and stop doing what fails.

You will be successful if you just keep your plant alive. Next gro, add what you learned, maybe change everything, maybe change nothing. If everything goes bad, you might try buying a kit and starting over with the kit’s maker’s advice. On the other hand, if everything goes well, you may want to change nothing and always do the same thing every time. Your journey will be your own, and things you learn may only work for you in your grow. If you move to a new place, it may all fail and you have to learn all over like I am now.

Over think it as much as you want, but if you change too many variables at once, you will not know which variable is right and which is wrong. So the best approach is to change one thing at a time, when you are stable enough. But before you get stable you may make big changes from grow to grow as you figure out a base line that works for you.

I gre remote for a couple years before I moved. It was a challenge to see how many redundancies I could build into a grow so that I could repair things from 600 times away. ended up with dual ISP’s, dual networks, dual everything. Every grow would teach me a new weakness. So I just made it highly reconfigurable, and combined different technologies so if wifi was down on both networks, I still had loran to reboot everything. Crazy levels of automation, and no matter what something would always go wrong… But they were all autos, they had genetics for producing buds in bad growing conditions, so even failures had some success. But I finally moved and now things don’t go wrong. I’m harvesting a lot, trying new strains, and continuing to refine.

Do not go do rdwc just because someone else did. Instead find a way you think you would like to grow, and concentrate on perfecting that method. Maybe set up for a different method for each of your next 3 grows, and then decide after that what your future will be. You can always learn from others, but keep in mind that what works in one grow can kill another. Every grow is different, even when they look the same.

Then there is the co2… if your plants get lots of fresh air, the co2 should be around 400 all the time. But in my room it drops to zero. At zero co2 photosynthesis stops. The plabns breathe oxygen so they will be perfectly happy and healthy, but they will produce no new ATP, store no new energy, and not do much growing. The only way to know is to measure. Fresh air will fix it, but if you need to be sealed for smell or temperature, you will need to add co2. Mushroom bags will add about 2% of what you need, so don’t think you just need a mushroom bag. You need the ppm close to 400 if you can, or if you add co2, you can go up to 1000ppm or more, but over 1000 will give you headachs and slow thinking, so don’t overdo the co2, it can kill. So monitor and know. If you add co2, have an alarm for too much. Even if you don’t add it, you need to know if your plants have any, so still monitor. But don’t let the co2 get into the water or soil, plants don’t breathe co2, they simply use it to make sugar.

Its not as complicated as it seems. But it can be as complicated as you want it to be. Just remember to enjoy it. And if you want simple, just do simple… Success will happen on it’s own if you find the balance to let it happen. OR you can get your engineering notebook out and be Mr. Science. Both approaches work. Both even work well, because your seeds already know what they want to do, your job is to try and let them. But don’t be the guy that gives them a little extra every time you look at them, overdoing a good thing is easer than you think. Measure everything. Write it down in a journal. (no I don’t do this, but I laser etched my grow formulas on a board and nailed them to the wall, and I have notes on my bench, and one of my light fixtures`).

just remember to have fun