Auto mazar. First time grower

Hello I am growing 2 auto mazar in a 2x2 tent I k ow now that I should have just grown 1 but what is done is done. They are 8 weeks old and a bit. Humidity is at 45% Temp is 19 Celsius at light off and between 21 and 25 Celsius light on. Light schedule is 20 on 4 off. Using cronk nutrients 3 part base system water schedule is every 4 days and nutrients every second watering.

any thoughts. I think I posted a picture. Thanks



Firstly, they look great.

Next time cut a few fingers or half fingers from the leaves covering budsites.

The added light to a bud will matter. But don’t sacrifice too much leaves to do it

My honest suggestion.

Switch to photoperiod plants
Lighting timer is the change, however, you get to grow her big before the flip.

More toppings
More top branch sites

I have 2 grows currently going posted on the channel

4x4 Stretch


Normal damaged clone

Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

TeamFatOnes Out


Thanks for your input I really appreciate it. I started these two plants from seed then moved into 5 gallon fabric pots. And placed in a spider farmer sf1000 grow tent kit. And I am loving it. I can’t use a bigger tent so I am limited to what I can grow. Wait a minute I just realized I could mount the fan and filter on the outside of the tent that would give me alot more height. Next grow will be just one auto mazar same set up .I am going to try to post a few pics from today.

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Looking good. I generally grow two autos in a 2x2 but I stagger them.

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That’s a good idea. I am learning something everyday. Do you think I need more light?. And in your opinion how close to harvest are they? Tomorrow they are 9 weeks old. And tomorrow is water with nutrients day.

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Research lighting on YouTube or my personal



Daily lighting Integral

They can take alot, but get a DLI calculator on a phone or whatever.

Then investigate what Co2 allows for DLI

GOOD LUCK :four_leaf_clover:
