Auto flower Fluffy buds

Switch over to CMH. End of most problems.

How hot it too hot? I try to run at 78 or so but often it gets up to 82. That’s directly under lights. Ambient in the room is about 75.

?? CMH – what is it?

@GrnyGrows Ceramic Metal Halide lights. Big hot bulb with better spectrum than LED lights but don’t last as long (20,000 hours vs 50,000). Better spectrum than HPS (high pressure sodium) bulbs.

I ran a 1000watt HPS 30+ years ago. My room was about 6’x7’ with 6’ ceiling. Had 2 rows of plants in a U shape around the door, could get 20 plants in there. Watering the ones in the back row from the door meant contorting under the light, around the 1st row, just to reach the back buckets. Have a few burn scars on my back from that damn light!

No, I do not like the smell of burning flesh in the morning!

But check out cmh lights - Google Search for more learning!

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@GrnyGrows 90+ without c02 is too hot.

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OK. I’m using all LEDs. My room is pretty similar to your 30+ year old room. 8x10 with 8 ft ceiling. But, I’ve got a table in there, full sink, a few shelves… so 20 or so would be my max, if I chose. I make sure to place lights/plants so I have walkways. I also bought a tool stool on wheels, I can sit down and wheel around under the lights. :rofl:

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Cool. I should be OK then. I do bring in air from outside daily so the forest can take care of my CO2. Or I try to breathe heavy when talking to my babies.


I’m working through the learning curve myself. With autos, every day and every move matters. I stunted one with sloppy handling during the seeding stage. It got stressed, produced about 2/3 what it’s sister did potted right beside her. Another got a hair dry during the first three days, the rh in the tent too low. It was slow shucking the shell, and again, behind its sister,
This round I lost one seed that simply didn’t pop, and the other I fed fox farms liquid trio at half strength into FFOF soil, ran 18/6 light and kept good track of temp and rh. It stretched like crazy. Had to tie it back to prevent light burn, but looks good for yield so far, even with all that. Trying to keep temp in the 75-80 range, rh 55-60,and plenty of air flow. Also not culling any live leaves. At 8 weeks I’ve only culled five leaves. Tuck em if needed, but not wasting the nutes stored in them, or the photosynthesis factories. Stay tuned.
Also, if your frame of reference is commercial weed that’s vacuum dried and machine trimmed, I’ve never seen hg that isn’t over aged that looked anything like that. The scale matters, not bag density. awesome aroma and taste, and a nice buzz are all I care about.
Think in terms of homegrown tomatoes vs those polyester make believe things in the market……


I’ve had my share of challenges but I’m pleased with my grows. I’ve learned a ton – much that is helping in the vegetable garden too. I defol like a crazy person. My 8 weekers are followed up by my 4 weekers.

There’s no comparison between polyester and homegrown tomatos :rofl:


I’m of the generation who, as a youngster growing up in town before we moved to the country, didn’t know the difference between grocery store fresh and garden fresh. My dad railed about the tomatoes then sold in plastic “tube” cages, covered with cellophane. They sliced like baloney, had as much flavor as styrofoam. A few short years later, I would be picking tomatoes and eating them out of hand, fresh from the garden. Then I understood. Fresh or “cured” produce has a definite deterioration curve, and a peak ripeness curve.

. I try to grow small crops of weed harvested at peak flavor, knowing full well time will take the good stuff, even as we delay deterioration.


Depends on what stage the plant is in. In vegetation I will let it get hot hot hot… And the tivas love it. For flower 65-80 works for me. As it gets hotter you are usually running the cen fan higher so CO2 is not a problem. In small tent with an air exchange of 5-6 minutes youre wasting time and money on C02 set up’s.

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I’m new to auto flowers too but I’ve been watching Hella Mega grow vids for the past 2 weeks now!!

  1. Genetics are everything! Fire In, Fire Out! Start with quality seeds from a reputable company. Every strain is different so your outcome will always be different.
  2. LST’ing your autos is SO IMPORTANT for yield because you need to open up the bud sites on the bottom of your plant to enable more bud sites to grow. Also, plants grow in a Christmas tree form naturally so you HAVE to LST in order to be able to get any real yield out of autoflower plants.
  3. FloraFlex nutrients are THE bomb diggity for fat, dense, trichome filled buds. Peep Highigan on youtube for their auto runs with FloraFlex nutes!