Auto critical purple help/advice

If I could figure out how to upload pics I’d show the girls off but it always tells me the files too large :roll_eyes:

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@Autotrepreneur turn down the quality of your camera. If that doesn’t work one of the ways I do it is a quick screen shot of the photo and cropping. Cuts the quality and file size way down.


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Thanks for the tip lol here they are freshly watered and strapped down. They’ve grown so much the last week

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I’m a new grower on my 4th grow. Second grow of this strain. 1st was outdoors and my harvest was small. Attached is a pic of indoor grow of CP, the tall lighter colored plant in back. This is what I did. 3 gal fabric pots with Fox Farms soil. Grow dots time release fertilizer, and Recharge every other watering. Also Fish!t soil additive during flowering. Keep light 12 to 15 inches above plant. Water til water is running out the bottom and let soil dry out to first knuckle on forefinger before rewatering. Here is very important step. Keep the fan leaves thinned out to allow light to reach more bud sites and gently train, or bend , main branches to bring them out exposing bud sites to more light. Hope this helps.