Anyone ever use chicken sh!t as fertilizer?

Yes i use chicken shit but you have to be easy with it .i build my compost from it

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So we have to remember, the end product is / can be edibleā€¦That is why we must insure our manure is properly composted. If you smoke it only, not sure you can contract salmonella or E-Coli in that fashionā€¦
And the comment - Seabirds eat fishā€¦every see a dead gullā€¦picked apart by scavengersā€¦the scavengers are BIRDSā€¦Ever notice there are not really rodents at the beachā€¦guess who eats themā€¦Garbage pails are covered by state agencies at US beachesā€¦to prevent seabirds from ravaging themā€¦they eat anything


Iā€™ve heard it all know

Put a bag under it and catch its sh!tā€¦ Be kinda like the rocky movieā€¦:wink::sunglasses:

Tootie fukkin frootie, Adam.

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I agree! I havenā€™t seen Squirt since I moved from MI!!

what did you buy and whereā€¦please share and comment (recommend / donā€™t recommend)

I am going to use rabbit :rabbit2: and duck :duck: shit. Most big farmers use chicken shit because of the ease of getting in abundance.

Another CBD auto you may want to check out is the CBD Hazeā€¦I grew the CBD Haze auto flower outside last summer that HGC sells and it is really nice. The plants were pretty small producing around 25 to 30grams each, but resulting buds, flavor and effects are really nice. I am going to grow more this season.

I keep chickens and use their litter for fertilizer and have for many years, with very good results. The litter is a mixture of their droppings, shit and feathers and anything else that drops from a chicken, and straw that I give them to scratch in.
The droppings gives them nitrogen in huge quantities and the straw gives you potassium and phosphorous in good quantity. I top dress or make a tea with it in the flowering period and mix it in to the potting soil after each use.
I grow in soil I originally mixed using good dirt from the chicken yard and mixing in lots of litter, peat moss and pumice. I buffered with dolomitic limestone and horticulture gypsum.
While I was making my own soil I used Fox Farms, Black Gold and even Miracle Grow. I get way better results with my own soil mix.

Same here and it works great. it just a little peace of the pie i clean chicken house and it goes to compost

OMG! That bud is the WHOLE plant! WTF? lmao

back in the day thatā€™s what we used with cow pies and thatā€™s the best out side fertilizer but the chicken scatt is really a hot fertilizer so donā€™t use to much are your plant will die and burn up.

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yes but itā€™s a hot nutrient so use very little or it will burn your plant up.
I used it outside with cow patties and it was great.

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