As we all strive for unattainable perfection, I consider that even the weakest, crappiest plant grown in dirt under the sun will flower and those flowers will get you high. I once planted some seeds in a shaded rocky place that was covered with landscape bark mulch. Three seeds sprouted, survived the summer and flowered, one female, two males. The tallest was 2 inches. The female grew a single seed from a bud that was as large as a pea. I didn’t even dry it out, just tossed it in a pipe and fired it up. Got a buzz.
LoL… did u plant the seed?
Damn! I should have…
You Might of got a Pheno!
Back in the day me and my friends used to smoke leaf if we could get our hands on it. Never got much more than a headache.
Right now Im smoking some of my very first harvest. Some larfy buds I cut off of one of my girls who got hit with spider mites. She’s doing much better now (see my profile pic).
I sort of arranged them in my trim bin and put it in front of the AC and sorta forgot about em. Checked em yesterday and they were dry enough - and sticky. Ive smoked way worse then these.
I dont taste any spider mite (maybe they’re better fresh?) Just lemon and pine. It’s pretty nice actually.
Congratulations on your first harvest! There is nothing better than smoking flowers that you grew yourself. Spider mites and all…
I’ll pass on the “Spider mites and all” but [poll type=regular results=always public=true chartType=bar]
Spider mites
- Who smokes cannabis with Spider mites?
I was joking but on further reflection:
Spider mites will likely abandon a dead, dried hanging plant. Or they will die from lack of water. I think I’d rather vape or incinerate the occasional tiny spider corpse than inhale whatever I’d have to put on the plant to get rid of a little bug that wants to share. I definitely have no problem with introducing a hitchhiking mite or two into an alcohol-based tincture, which is my preferred method of ingestion.
Yeah man, don’t spider-shame my buds.
Actually I’d be interested in seeing the results of that poll, if people were honest about it. And it ought to include a 3rd option - “can’t say for certain since I’ve smoked weed I got from the black market”. Check.
I’ve posted some pretty pictures but it’s been far from perfect. I made plenty of mistakes and I hope to learn from them.
I Still hate the spider mites
Life finds a way, but you want to grow properly or why bother???
@snoleperd76 Of course we should do our best, I just want to point out that we shouldn’t get discouraged by less than perfect results. The dispensaries sell “perfect” weed, lacking only heart and soul. I prefer my heat stressed, rained-on, bug-nibbled plants grown with my loving hands on my terroir.
Your absolutely right.
ugliest girl in a grass skirt i ever knew tasted like Bliss and Ambrosia with a touch of chocolate pine

So, I was out taking closeup photos, checking trichomes to see if they were ready and look who I caught on camera:
I went back outside and picked it off the bud. Tiny, I never would have seen this with the naked eye.
I literally spent a ridiculous amount of time the next day starring real close at all my buds. My wife thought I was crazy. Anyway just thought I’d share. It was like a whole eight hours.
Many years ago I had an agent orange riddled with those caterpillars. It was a couple times I tried growing it. Several seasons apart. Like a whole 12 pack and they riddled the clones in the trays too.
Besides that, on a normal year nothing else but a random one or two here or there amongst my entire garden. But I definitely feel your pain. And I know this reply is kind of old, But I was definitely down checking out my buds like crazy after seeing your picture. I wondered if anyone else did too ha.
I also see a lot of these the last couple of years. They are big, much bigger than you would think. I first thought I had a murder hornet nest. I am in Nw Washington and we are supposed to keep our eyes peeled👀 for those. Anyway it’s called the golden digger hornet. They shred the caterpillars like terminator drones and then turn on the yellowjackets if the pickings get slim. I am just a bit bee curious but these ones are fascinating.
The craziest thing is they have absolutely no fear of humans. They supposedly aren’t aggressive and very rarely sting people. Anyway you can hold a flower (they seem to really like the nectar on catnip &mint) and they will stand right there and look you in the eye. It’s like they’re aware that you are checking them out.