AeroGarden Grow - 3 weeks in

I am astounded at the growth. She is perfectly ready for LST.

This is where you will start hooking to bend and begin the foundation of the canopy. Looks like you got 4 branches plus the apical that is topped so 2 more there. That is a 6 pack and an excellent start. As she grows more, you will expose the nodes under the 4 branches to make more tops and trim everything below the 3rd node. Lets see how she handled the defoliation and Christmas Day


I just wish you could see her fully to see what I’m looking at. I am glad you see more since I removed the blanket. It looks like she has 6 branches not including the two at the top from after topping. She’s got a nice thick stalk but kinda short.

I tried lifting her skirt for ya. Lol.


Oh, Oh, OH MY…Looking at it this way is a different picture. Looks like your stem may be too thick to bend over so in this case, you have 6 branches which gives you potential for 6 tops. You have a split top and that makes 8. I would go more towards a candelabra train. I will reply tomorrow with more insight, nighty night…got me all excited now


Yea…she went from a skinny toothpick to thick and curvy. Lol. Even those very bottom stems are thick. I thought with lack of light they’d be the smallest. I’ll wait to hear from you but I’m thinking LST them all by pulling them down and out leaving the main stem centered. Let me know your thoughts

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So I slept on this and here are my thoughts. You started this as a test to see if you could sprout and grow from a seed. Successful you were padawan. Growth - off the charts!
Concerns: First thing we look at is the environment. It determines our grow. Aerogarden’s have a limited space between the top of the grow container and the height of the light. I am not sure on yours but mine is about 20/24 inches. That means you really cannot grow a plant taller than that distance. The tops will be right up against the underside of the light. I do not remember the strain you’re growing but that becomes concern 2. It is either Photo, which grow much bigger than Auto and Sativa which grows much taller than Indica. Concern3 how do we train this? Since your growth exploded and it looks like that main stem is too hard to bend, we go to the branches / nodes.
You have 4 definite lower branches at node 1 (counting from the bottom upwards), 2 more branches at node 2 and a split top apical. Training is easy, LST the branches down to a horizontal position. 6 branches (2 nodes) on a horizontal plane. The Apical, well, 2 more branches there. They also could be pulled / bent to the horizontal plane. Then all the nodes from the individual branches will begin to grow vertically. If you top the Apical again, it will go from 2 to 4 but more important, it will allow the rest of the plant to grow into position while the top slows down becasue of the stress of topping it. This will allow all the other growth to start to catch up in height so you begin creating a canopy.
Concern4 - If this is a photo genus, when you FLIP to flowering, those tops are going to GROW. Will there be enough room for this plant to come to fruition in its environment?

You have accomplished what you first stated, to try and grow a seedling in your aerogarden. You have grown it fantastically. Can it reach maturity here? That might be more difficult than anything else you have tried. You have nothing to lose. I remember telling you I took out the water tank and use mine to start seedlings and later transplant to containers. You cannot get the LARGE root out of this Aerogarden without killing it most likely.
We reach points in our life where we have to make decisions. Do you want to set up a true grow environment, do you just want to let this continue and come what may?
It has been an exciting journey, glad I could be part of it


Yea. I got a lot of obstacles to overcome. I’ll just handle them the best I can and hope for the best. Gonna post week 4 now and show pics.

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