AeroGarden Grow - 3 weeks in

So I can start the LST now??

Girl, you said tie and my thoughts go somewhere completely different. :smiling_imp: :shushing_face:


I do not know how to tag. Pitifully I am an IT professional with advanced Masters degree and yet there are some things that just go right over my head, especially the plain and simple. My brains looks for the complex. Needles in the haystack are easy for my but I can find the haystacks. I can see the forest but have no clue I am in the trees. I have my wife set up all our phones and TV’s and I am clueless yet I can look at code an it is like the Matrix to me.


That’s okay, you are proficient in areas I’m lacking, so it evens out. I’m a hyper-organized person, except now I have to add the caveat: when I remember or have need to be.

Tagging = #homegrownaerogarden

Will be taggable here and the interwebs, adds to SEO (engine within the internet engine; this is as far as my brain goes with this as the rest is code). Keep using them so they are assigned to dominant ‘personality.’

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Hahahaha! You are incorrigible.

Also, see message to @Mrb53004 above about tagging #homegrownaerogarden

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So once you tag it, then how do you get back to it? Al l can thin of is Minnie Pearl


Who doesn’t love Minnie Pearl? Hahaha!

See attached. type in your # enter whatever in HCC search or into your browser.

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Aha! Thank you so much. See, I can learn. I can learn from you. Scooby Doo!
Merry Christmas, joy and love, health and prosperity…may they find you.


Same to you and yours, My Friend. :v:

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Heyyy. Look at that. My post are a hashtag. Lol

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Yes, they are. Merry Christmas! :heartpulse:

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@Mrb53004. Need your advice wise one. So I checked on her this morning. I know you said it’s too soon to prune but I’m noticing a lot more growth and some of the leaves are wilting. What do I do??

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Morning, Merry Christmas. Hope it is a good day for you and loved ones.
Do you have a fan near the plant to give air circulation? If not, time for a gentle breeze
OK, you can clip a few of the FAN leaves or tuck
here is my training

Stabilize stem - notice ringed fan leaves, to pull them together for tuck
hook to bend, i do not tie here. Easy with soil
THE BEND, leaves tucked
branch hooks, 2nd bend holder

Fans ringed and tucked, stem bent and secured, branches secured to pull in opposite directions, nodes exposed so the lst begins for new apical buds
You, not having soil to secure to, will have a little harder time getting the plant into its horizontal position.
Instead of TUCKING, you can trim some fan leaves. Only a couple at a time to not over-stress the plant.
Not sure if the wilt is due to air, light or something else. Is it ONLY the lower inside leaves, that are not getting light? Your pic is a closeup and I really cannot see the plant in its entirety.
Keep in mind, you want your 2 tops, at least 2 more nodes (branches) and enough fan leaves to have a solar canopy to absorb the light for photosynthesis, underbrush clear enough to allow for aeration. We will not worry about light getting to lower nodes becasue the training will expose them as we move ffrom vertical to horizontal. Make sure temps are good, feed solution has not changed and that nothing new was introduced since before the drooping.
Notice I have nowhere near the leaf growth you have. Hydro is SO much better at producing fast, larger results in growth. Never trim more than 30-40% (defoliate) at one time. Wait a day or 2 for recovery, it should be noticeable. Lets go from here


Pictures enjoyed for now, I will read theory later to assist me, as well. I need to get some of those pins you have there, when I can. They look like those old hot roller clips (geeze, talk about feeling like I’m 8 yrs old). The pipe cleaners I bought have some sort of stabby things enmeshed.

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Amazon…garden staples. I like the larger, thicker ones but I also have thin ones for starters


Much appreciated, My Friend! I hope you enjoyed your morning and continue to enjoy your day!

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@Mrb53004 I have been seeing all the information you have been sharing and was wondering what would be the greatest source of information from seed to harvest, whether it be a book or simple guide. I know the basics of growing cannabis but as far as nutrients, manicuring etc. I come across conflicting information. Thanks in advance!

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@Casey_J. Homegrown Cannabis Co has tutorial vids which are excellent.

From the menu in the top left corner: go to the Grow your own section, then categories, then grow your own with Kyle Kushman. It’s a whole set of beginner vids.

But I’m sure it depends on where/what you grow.

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Thank you. It’s been a good day so far. Hope yours is well too. I’ll get a fan in there like you suggested. I think I will start with those huge leaves on top because those are covering everything else like a blanket. I’ll give it a couple of days rest then do the LST. I have ideas on how to make that work.

So I just took the 4 big leaves that were covering everything else off. That’s it. Now she’s exposed to the light more.