The journey towards a successful grow starts with a seed. Any uncertainty you have at this point could be addressed in this section. Beginning a life cycle involves two processes. First, you need to germinate the seeds. After caring for the spouts for some time, you would be transplanting them to a temporary container (or permanent pot if growing an auto). The chances are high that some or all your questions would already have been answered previously. If not, then ask away.
You should post a video
Not sure if this thread is still alive but I need to hijack it for awhile.
I germ’d 6 days ago, placed in the pod 4 days ago, kept moist and warm.
They popped up and are about an inch tall but look pretty anemic. This morning I placed them under light for the first time.
Are they going to make it? Of should I re-germ another batch. These are Bannon Fast Autos at about $12 a seed.
can I germinate in peat pellets with out soaking seeds prior to placing in pellets?
Yeah. The 24 he pre-soak is just a preference for some growers to soften the shells. I think it’s too long and risks drowning the seed. I just do the wet paper towels but I know of people who have just dropped the seeds in the pods. You will need to insure the seed stays moist. Do not let that pod dry.
I even knew one guy that did it “Jack and the Bean Stalk” style. He just went out in the garden and threw the seeds in the dirt!
I was wondering if say I buy 40 seeds while I am up here in the states as I only get up here once a year… And I only grow 8 seeds at a time in 2 4 foot by 4 foot grow tents how long do you guarantee female type seeds for as another company only guarantee them for 90 days and I had a problem with germinating some seeds and they would not replace seeds that would not germinate?
I was wondering if say I buy 40 seeds while I am up here in the states as I only get up here once a year… And I only grow 8 seeds at a time in 2 4 foot by 4 foot grow tents how long do you guarantee female type seeds for as another company only guarantee them for 90 days and I had a problem with germinating some seeds and they would not replace seeds that would not germinate?