3wk old HG Moby Dick Autos, yellow tips?

Hey y’all, just noticed this morning some yellowing on the edge of one plant. These are 3wk old HG Moby Dicks. Very happy till this morning. The only thing that changed was last watering I added some worm castings.


Don’t see where the yellowing is on your plants

@Darkstar528 i wouldn’t suggest giving seedlings so much they can’t handle feedings yet what is the soil your useing

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I feared I may have micromanaged a hair much.:disappointed:

General Miracle Grow soil with our compost and our rabbit poop.

It’s just on the very edge of the to left plant pictured. It’s very slim, I just want to get ahead of it if possible. Ty!

Could iight be an issue. Been on 20/4.

No it’s not the light’s useing MG you have to be easy with anything that has nitrogen because MG has alot in it I’ve grown in it and usely by the time flower rolls around still to much that’s my experience with the MG .when i used it in past i did alot of triming cutting training to get plants to use it up

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Next batch will be more organic. I’m not happy with MG.

I think I see your problem…kinda looks like a recent problem I ran into recently with one of my strains. To me, it looks like overwatering a bit or too often.

  1. Not all strains are tolerant of overwatering so give it 2 to 3 days to dry

  2. when watering try using a spray bottle or something that won’t disturb the newly forming roots

  3. MG soil is almost always mold and pest infested so might want to start a prevention process in a couple weeks when they get stronger

  4. Coast of Maine platinum growers mix is so far, the best by light-years of any growing soil I’ve tried.

  5. fabric pots a must for indoor in my opinion

  6. I typically run 50-60% for seedling and early veg on my lights

Hope that helps and gets you pointed in a better direction :+1: