Alright I’m back at it again. So I’m using foxfarm ocean forest soil. I fertilize once with lite dosage of 3 part floral series when my plants were still in cups. I transplanted into 3 gallon pots March 14th. Since then I watered plants twice with a little runoff. I haven’t fertilize since they were in cups. They look green and vibrant with no deficiencies. I was wondering will it be ok to fertilize with lite dose or should I just continue to water for now? I dont want to burn plants because i know soil come with nutrients already in it.
I use fox farms ocean forest (FFOF) as well. I’m growing autos, so the first two or three weeks they do fine with just water. Then, following the timing scheme, but not the dosage, add fox farms liquid trio, I add a reduced dosage of about half what they call for, to the water, continuing right on through to the end. I find adding the food beginning week three deepens the greens, and encourages bigger buds. Use the fox farms chart for the timing. Some feed only weekly, but I’ve simply doctored up the water, a gallon at a time, changing recipe with the chart timing, and feed all the way through. Without added feeding, FFOF will run out of nutrients and you’ll end up with early leaf yellowing and death, and yields that’ll disappoint.
I use Happy Frog and no nutes until 6 weeks in. Ocean Forest is a hotter soil so I think one should be good for a few weeks before adding nutes.
One would think so, huh? Growing blueberry auto, I did exactly that. The plants were sparse, with leaves yellowing and dying off early. Adding the liquid trio to FFOF at about half the recommended strength, starting at three weeks, I’ve got lush, healthy growth.
I am currently germinating seeds. I plan to use coast of maine bar harbor soil. I believe it to be similar to fox farm. Should I wait until week 3 to begin using nutes with this soil?
Listen to the plant, they ask for what they need. Start out half strength and adjust up from there. 3 weeks should be good in my opinion
how much are you watering? Because in the pic the plants look dry. I started out using FFOF now I use FF Strawberry Fields. It is really going to boil down to how much of, and what kind of nutrients you are currently using from FF. This will determine the amount of tip burn you receive if any.
I have also found that the feeding schedule online is complete crap unless you like super big buds that weigh next to nothing. The schedule on the bottles themselves is different from the online schedule…don’t know why…but I tend to follow it a bit more closely.
To be perfectly honest you could do a grow with strictly the soil and water and have a great turnout. There is enough nutrients in FF soil to last 3 months unless your babies are heavy feeders. I have actually tested this to be true. I did one grow only water and FF soil because I refuse to believe everyone else saying to drop FF. It is because those people were not smart enough to crack the code…Humbolt county has, and still produces some of the best in the world. I am finally starting to do the same after a year and a half using their products through trial and error.
I actually tried to explain exactly what I do earlier this evening on another post if you care to check it out When to fertilize while using Coast of Maine soil - #4 by MoLdYTwiG
I started out with happy frog. Then transplant into perm homes with fresh happy frog. Topped off with more happy frog. I am 74 days in and have only fed Tiger Bloom once about 1 1/2 weeks ago. Both are going like gang busters 4 weeks since flip.