Newbie needs advice

No reason you cannot extend the light time. 12/12 is FLIP…plants wants to flower. They want like 18 hrs of light for starters. They will go into veg mode, then after they are a good size and trained, you FLIP so the flowers start growing. 7-12 weeks more and its Spring Harvest. A good veg on photo period plants (what you have) is 6-10 weeks, depending on how big they get. Remember, after flip, they will grow about 1-2 feet MORE.
Be careful if you are going to use the chopstick method. Try not to damage the roots as you insert. Remember, babies are much more sensitive than grown plants.


@Lauraroach, they have great color. I was trying to go back and read, but I’m having a time focusing at the moment. I understand using dowels for a brace, but what was the reason for not reburying them?

I did use the frog soil and filled my solo cups so the stalks were more supported. I will keep them under the lights more now that I know. You guys and gals are the bomb. I’m going to be a bud tender one day. I’m just not buying rolling papers just yet


Stick with this quote. Leave the other out, it cancels itself. Also, I believe in you. :heart_eyes: :v:t2:

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Unless it’s some “out there” strain, sounds to be sun-stretch/light stretch. Dim or lower your lights, adjust as needed until you find that sweet spot. The higher your lights are, the more the stem will keep stretching to try & reach it. If your seedlings won’t stand already, imagine them trying to hold up flowers - I’ve corrected this myself, when seedlings are very young & transplanted them, reburying a quarter inch or so of the stem. Then with your lights lowered & a slight breeze to stiffen the main stem, you should still be able to save them. Autos need a moist top layer of whichever medium you’re growing them in.

This is the kind of grow I love to follow. A true newbie, but that’s not afraid to fail, and have no clue they’ve already succeeded.

Welcome @Lauraroach, you’ve gotten some good advise so far. Keep your humidity up close as you can to 80% for a bit with those girls. Clear solo cups work great as domes.

When seedlings stretch (of just about any plant) it makes it harder to transpire, high humidity helps tremendously.

My little plants are doing better with y’all’s help. They get plenty of light now and I’m checking the soil 2-3 times a day to see if they are dry. Living in Santa Fe has a lot of bonuses but dry weather is not my plants friend! image|414x500


Laura this is just me but I would get sone 32 oz cups at a gas station or there equivalent poke some holes in the bottom and transplant them so that only a inch or so below the leaves is out of the soil. They are old enough to have good roots by now. Just do not water for about 36 hours before repotting and your soil should be in dry enough to transplant easily. I transplant when there are roots showing out 2 or more of the drain holes. At over 10 days old your roots should be well developed but if the soil falls of during transplant just be gentle when covering up the bare roots.


Thanks Jared … I feel glad y’all are here for me. I did fill those cups a second time to help with the long stalks I created. They have gotten some beautiful new leaves this last day or so… who ever said it grows like a weed must have been kidding!!! This is fine tuned growing. I have a spinal cord injury and edibles are the only thing that helps me at night and my vape (pax). The dispensary was getting kind of expensive and then I found this site. I thank you all again for the great advice… I thought I killed all those plants until I got help from you all🤗


Hi Laura! You really have found a wonderful site here. There are some incredibly knowledgable people here that can and will help you. I am a newbie and I have had people in this forum help me in all phases of growing, drying and curing! Wishing you the best :slight_smile:




Thanks Mike… I love this group♥️


Laura I just found this post. How did the grow come out.

As I read your post and the replies given you advise felt like they were talking to me. I had the same problems this month with my first grow. I tried both ways mentioned here for my tall lagging plants. I reported half of them covering up the long stems only left 2 inches of stem out of the medium. The rest I took 36 inch long peices of stiff wire and bent it into a zigzag shape stuck them next to the stems all the way to the bottom of the grow bags to support the stems worked great. The ones I supported are doing fine. All the plants that I buried the stems died within a week of transplanting. The stems looked like they rotted from wet soil. I am half way through the grow and feel like I still have a lot to learn.


@PopPop65 glad some of your girls made it. Keep us posted

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I followed the advice given here. I had long shoots because I didn’t have them under my lights yet. I also did both things you did but mine all made it. I didn’t bury mine that deep when I transplanted them. And I shored mine up with plastic drinking straws when they looked weak. Just used tape loosely around my straw leaving room for growth. I’m sure my first grow could have been a lot better but I did not give up. I just never knew that growing my own would be so hard. This group is awesome!!! Lean on them to be successful…… good luck with your grow. I’ll post pics of my second grow. Of big bud feminized and dee-light auto.


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Very nice @Lauraroach . Girl looking amazing.
Have a great weekend

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