Is my plant still recoverable after light bleaching?

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Yes she can make a full recovery

Oh yeah I’ve got some big stink auto and I’ve almost killed them more than once she wants to grow I’ve learned to never give up on these girls

are you sure it is light bleaching? not overfeeding or overwatering? Usually with babies/seedlings it is easy to kill them and it takes a lot more than light. How about some info on soil


I’m using fox farms ocean forest potting soil. I don’t think it’s over watering because my roots are healthy and the soil dries out nicely. I think it’s light bleaching because my light was pretty close to the plant and I noticed the leaves turning lighter and it seemed like the growth was stunted. When I moved the light further away it seemed to recover more and the leaves turned upward towards the light. Light bleaching, under watering, overwatering, and nitrogen deficiency all look almost the same so it was hard for me to figure out what it was at first.


Good decision. It should recover if you keep the light father away.

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Yeah this post was 3 days ago and my plant is already looking better since this picture.


Would you please stop posting your falsehoods? It’s light stressed like your plants you posted in various threads. Awaiting your befuddled response.

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Sprouts are weird… Some love the light, some don’t. I always keep my light at about 40% and 3ft until they head to veg. The ones that start stretching too much just boost them up a little closer to the light. Personally I like them to stretch a little as a seedling to get them away from the dirt a little.

For a plant that young it is likely always lights or over/under water. A plant does not need nitrogen at this point and really is not uptaking much, if any at all, from the soil for the first week of life. PH would be next on the list after lights/water (and also water type)

Seems like you figured it out pretty quick and got her back on track :slight_smile:

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Would you please just get over yourself, you are not the only person in the world who grows weed. There are other things that affect plants besides light, duh! I don’t see any pictures of your stuff on here, but yet you are so quick to criticize everyone else’s stuff. Glad you feel good trolling people on multiple threads. Get a life bro, fr! There was my befuddled response, hopefully it is clear enough for you! I am trying to bump this to get a response possibly? Reusing soil and having great results, anyone else ever? - #7 by HansGruber Why don’t you come rip me on this thread also? SB Light height, does it matter? - #9 by HansGruber and this one too

Update on my plant for anyone interested


Looks like she’s coming along nicely. What strain are you growing?

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I’m growing Northern Sunset

How many weeks? Environment, etc.